[OPEN] Looking for internship scripter (updated)

Hey guys! I’m in the search for a partner to join me for the summer 2019 internship. In order to move forward in the process and be accepted, I was asked to find myself a programmer teammate. We will be reviewed as a team to determine if we can move on.

Here is my portfolio if you are interested: JuanCupO'Juice | Builder | Portfolio
And my profile: https://www.roblox.com/users/2704327/profile

:clipboard: Requirements

  • Should be able to attend the internship in person
  • Must be 18+

:desktop_computer: The Project
I have a couple of interesting ideas already for what to work on, but because we will be working closely together, I would love to discuss something that both of us will be passionate about, and will be able to put our all in to.

:moneybag: Payment
As far as I know, the internship is a paid experience. When it comes to game revenue, payment is of course, up for discussion. However, once a group/studio name is decided upon, I would prefer to go with the following split:

Building & Design (Me): 45%
Scripter (TBD): 55%

:studio_microphone: Contact
If you’re interested, and meet the requirements, please feel free to contact be with any questions. You can message me on the devforums, of course, or we can message over Discord.

Discord: JuanCupO’Juice#4524

:checkered_flag: Conclusion
I am extremely excited for this opportunity, and I cannot wait to get started.
When it comes to housing, we will not be living together. Unless I find people to split rent with that I am familiar with, I will most likely be living on my own. :sleepy:
If I missed anything in this post, or could add something, please let me know.

Thank you for reading; I can’t wait to see who’s interested. :grin:

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Might want to change the area of this post to #collaboration or #public-collaboration
That’s where people generally look for work, not Dev Discussion.

Also to add.

If you were accepted, then you should have lines of contact to other people who were accepted.
Also, people that were accepted, I believe, were accepted to take on specific projects. So people who were already accepted can’t suddenly now work on your project.

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As mentioned in the previous post, it might be difficult to find someone who’s willing to break off from their current project. Talk to 2blox2quit and see if Roblox will allow you to bring someone else not already accepted on, as that will significantly broaden your options.

You’re going to have a hard time attracting anyone with this. Having previously gone through the program myself, I’d recommend devoting as much revenue to your in-person partners as possible. Contractors aren’t going to want a promise of % (just an up-front payment, which you can easily afford with your intern salary), and you’re wasting your resources if you’re alloting that much to sound/UI designers.

Your job is to make a game that’s fun – not one that’s pretty. If you prioritize the latter over the former, your game will fail. Programmer art is fine for a 3-month project (ex: Booga Booga, and the creator even had a fan make UI for him after release).


Also consider, alternatively, getting a scripter as an off-site contractor. I believe a fair number of interns have done this in the past to my knowledge. (You’re gonna need to up that percentage though, like Echo said.)

I previously asked if I could hire a contractor instead of bringing someone along, and he said that being there in person enhances the chances of moving to the next round, and will help with the development process. So If I cannot find someone to come, I will resort to looking for a contractor.

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I’m a bit confused then. So, you’re an already accepted Intern looking for someone to join you? And that was cleared by them that you could add someone to your team?

Trust me, I’m a little confused as well. They said I would need a programmer in order to “move forward” in the application process. So I am assuming I am technically not completely involved yet.

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Okay. From the OP it sounded like you were already accepted.

You can strike this from your Requirements.

Change up this percent.

Change this to more like “I’m looking for a scripter to join my team for the Internship in (Spring/Summer). Not a done deal yet, but it was requested that I get a teammate to continue my process towards being accepted as an intern.”

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Thanks for the advice. Regarding payment, what do you think would be a good split?

Alright; they did told me that if I did find someone, that they would have to have been accepted.

Yea. They’ll probably vet your choice. I don’t think you’re selecting out of the already “accepted” people.


  • You do not have to be already accepted, I misunderstood
  • Payment has been increased
  • We are to be reviewed as a team before being confirmed
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Still searching.

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