Just Merge 2022 Materials & Current Materials Together

The feature request is simple: Let developers use both the 2022 materials and the current materials together, and eliminate the need to choose one over the other


It’s Hannah Montana – you get the best of both worlds! The Planks texture, for example, for both 2022 and current have amazing uses I can use them for. The current Planks texture is great for old wooden planks, and the 2022 planks texture makes the most beautiful flooring. But I don’t like using the 2022 wooden planks texture for actual planks of wood. I just think the current texture works much better for that

Of course, wooden planks is just one example! Before RoofTiles were added, I really liked to use Pebbles as a texture for roof shingles. But with the 2022 textures, it just kinda looks like the roof is made from actual pebbles to me

I don’t think the 2022 textures need to replace the current textures, but I would very much love it we could just have both at the same time! Whether if it’s just an integrated MaterialVarient or just a different texture entirely. Before making this post, I read up on another forum post of a user asking if there was a way to enable both. So clearly it’s something I believe people want and would really spice up how our environments and assets look!!


I think what tops this better is just simply custom PBR materials, which we can already do.
We can get the best of all worlds with our own textures, which can look however we want them to.

I feel like yet another option for both, merged, would just add a bunch of extra bloat to the already cluttered properties tab. I do see where you’re coming from though.


It’s worth noting that Roblox specifies that you can’t currently 1:1 re-create the old/new materials with custom materials:

The base material shaders work differently than the shader which MaterialVariant instances use, so you can’t create custom materials that look exactly like base materials, but you can still create custom materials that use their textures



I agree, but I also want this. It should ideally be left up to an option so it benefits everyone.


Problem is for materials like “Correded metal”. Custom material will have rust color affected by BasePart’s color, while Roblox material won’t.


oh i misinterpreted the feature request as merging old and new material into one :sob:

i’ve wanted this as well. although my point still (shakily) stands, what about just having an option to choose 2022 or current per-material with a simple checkmark for example?

i feel like this would keep clutter very minimal (no tons of the same, different material) while still providing devs with ability to choose a 2022 material for e.g. planks but newer for cobblestone.

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