Hi guys just looking for some feedback on this 30 min build I did, Any feedback is most appreciated thank you.
looks awesome
good job!
the mushrooms make it look so good. i dont think the mushrooms are bright at all if someone says that.
The mushrooms look out of place. They are too bright and colorful compared to the rest of the build.
I love it. Especially the mushrooms
I think the lampost being neon is a bit out of place. I mean the surrouding is clearly bright enough. other than that I think it is really cool!
I don’t believe that they are there for the actual lighting brightness. It seems like they are just there for decoration and a cool effect on the ground.
I think it looks great. Though, the mushrooms do look a bit bright.
Looking at the picture, I think it looks good at the start. Since you got a few assets on the main area already I would suggest placing some rocks or vegetation around the cave area on the map so it doesn’t have a basic plain design to it. I like how you created elevation on the terrain giving it more depth by placing the trees on it consider adding variety of trees so it doesn’t look repetitive, rocks or other objects could be somewhere on the island.
I would recommend spreading the mushrooms around the map so it doesn’t look close together or add smaller ones, something like that could work if needed and I feel like the vibrant color choice looks alright.
It’s a decent build at the start.
This only took you 30 minutes? My goodness it would take me hours, even days. It’s a very pretty build, filled with vibrant colors and scenes. Nice work!
Really cool stuff nova. (I really recommend nova for people who need a terrain designer or modeler)
I love this! It looks like it’ll be an AMAZING adventure game! I love the lighting, terrain graphic, and the natural resources! But, my feedback would be to rearrange the mushrooms and lower the amount the light range a bit. But, for a 30 minute build you did magnificent and I’d like to see were your builds will be in the future!
What I meant was having the outside lampost neon as a whole is out of place.
This is so good! I find the build to be magical and I like the sunset as well. However, like what @SnarlyZoo said, I do think the mushrooms do not really go with the build. Other than that, I think your game is good.
Really cool, I’m biased towards games that use terrain instead of parts for their landscape. Some already said it but the mushroom looks outta place I’d fix it by getting a mesh or something. Other then that looks amazing!