I have the same issue it’s random, and when it happens, I need to replay 4-5 times to spawn correctly in R6 mode in the studio. This occurs across all my experiences, even those from 2022 without any updates
having similar issues here. replaying fixes it, so it seems to be some sort of roblox service issue
Yes, this problem definitely exists, and as a developer working with R6 games, it’s extremely inconvenient for me. I have to write a separate script that either kills the player upon spawning or assigns a StarterCharacter
I encountered this problem yesterday. I uninstalled Roblox Studio, and the first time I open it after reinstalling, it loads the correct R6. However, if I stop the game and start it again, it always switches back to R15. Every time I reset my character, it also switches back to R6.
Same Thing, exactly the same problem.
hi all! trying to look into this issue. is this happening to your games that are published / saved to roblox? and what are the exact steps you take to repro?
I can reproduce it as follows:
I make a new experience from this “New Experience” button in the Studio client:
Once the place opens in Studio, I hit “Game Settings”, and create a new place that belongs to a group. This causes Roblox Studio to open the newly made group place
I change the “Avatar Type” to “R6” and “Animation” to “Standard”. I save these changes.
Hitting play in Studio now sometimes makes the avatar R6, sometimes R15 when I spawn
After saving and publishing the changes, my avatar is still sometimes R6 and sometimes R15 when hitting play in Studio
issue is happening again for new studio games. just made one and it happened again.
For me it usually happens under poor network conditions (most cases when it takes too long to load). Probably it timing out and using R15 as a fallback.
… which is really stupid.
This issue happens to me often, usually more often in poorer network, but it still does sometimes happen even with good internet. It doesn’t correct back to R6, just keeps me as R15, requiring me to stop and hit play again until it comes back to R6.
I published it to Roblox and it’s working as intended on the game itself, but on the studio it completely hinders my ability to code since I need the character to be R6.
yes, its happening to me too, but only on games that were created recently, for me specifically it happens on a game from a group i do not own, the studio was simply created, and changed in settings to r6, completly uninstalling the studio and installing again makes it work as a r6 studio, but just once, as soon as i hit stop and start again it goes back to r15
This has been happening to me as well, Im not sure if this is a bug or roblox silently forcing players to switch over to r15
some month later, the issue is still occuring… and it’s a pain
bump this still happens and is a huge pain when testing stuff, please fix this soon
Please fix any updates on this?
There’s one solution that I know for that issue.
When you get spawned in R15 instead of R6 just try resetting your character (it works 100% of the times at least for me)
It won’t be a permanent fix, but still gonna make you spawn in R6 way faster and better than nothing.
P.s. Roblox please stop breaking studio
thing if, it will break every script that would handle a R6 and not a R15 at the start…
Hi! Does this: Spawning as R15 in the Place where characters are Forced to use R6 - #68 by mrxchu
work for you?