Khanom | Code of Conduct

In order for Khanom to be a safe environment, the Leadership team has implemented these rules for our communications server and cafe. However, our Cafe Code of Conduct will not be shown until our cafe releases.


Discord Server
• Be respectful to everyone in the Khanom community - the discord server, at the cafe and the group overall. There should be no insulting or harmful actions towards anyone.
• Swearing is not tolerated in the discord server and the group. If you get caught doing so, you will be warned.
• Advertising in this discord server is not permitted - this includes direct messages. Caught advertising will result in a ban from this server.
• Posting certain images and information about someone without their permission is strictly prohibited. Doing so will lead to a ban from this server. This is due to care of protection we have, for the people within this community.
• To keep this community safe, we request no explicit content, extreme violence, or hate. If you decide to do any of these stated, consequences will be put into action.
• No racist slurs or slang. This can offend anyone if you are saying slurs/slangs. You will be warned for this.
• Spamming is not permitted anywhere in the Khanom communications server and group. You will be muted or removed from the server if you start spamming.
• No one should be pinging roles unless it’s for a valuable reason. A warning may be put into place if you do so.


These rules must be followed at all times. Failure to comply with our Code of Conduct will result in consequences such as a warning, kick, or a ban depending on the severity.

Leadership Team