Khanom | Department Information

This includes information about each department branch shared in Khanom. To make sure Khanom’s duties are always being followed and recognised, we created two different branches that have hard-working members, who work as a team to keep Khanom functioning to the highest quality.

Human Resources
This department handles staff reports, promotions, ban appeals and the trello board. They can promote any active members that show dedication to this group, making sure all promotions are logged as well. Ban appeals will be discussed through this department, along with the Leadership team and managing the trello boards too.

Public Relations
This department is in charge of any alliance related topics: alliance reports, requests and events. Alliance reports are simply reports from other groups that have an alliance with Khanom. This department is also required to read over and discuss the possible acceptance of new alliance requests. Announcing about our allies events that occur, is also another duty as well. Representing Khanom is another key feature required in this department, meaning members must behave in a mature and kind manner when entering our allies communities.

Leadership Team

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