Most of the questions that are listed here have been asked multiple times, so we decided to answer your questions in this handbook.
How do you become a Staff Assistant?
You can be a Staff Assistant by being a Head Barista and working extremely hard with dedication at the Cafe and showing that you are active. You can also become a Staff Assistant by applying when applications are released.
How do I work here?
You can work here by joining the group and doing our application located in our group games. The game is called “[APPLY NOW!] Job Center”. You will then submit an application for our High Ranks to review. If you pass, you will receive a message. Make sure to have your messages open to receive a message!
How can I rank up as a Trainee?
In order to become a Junior Barista, you must attend a training session that is hosted by our Manager+ and pass the session.
How can I get promoted as a Low Rank?
You can get promoted as a Low Rank with 2 different ways. You can either rank up by attending training sessions or through cafe activity.
What would I do if I saw a troller or an exploiter?
If you saw a troller present at the Cafe, you should remind them at least twice to stop what they are doing. If they continue, you should warn them. Here is an example of a proper warning: Warning I | Trolling. If they continue after a warning, you should contact a Staff Assistant+ in our Discord server or group wall. If an exploiter was present at the cafe, you should screenshot for proof or have a video clip and send it to any management member of Khanom immediately.
How can I send an alliance request to Khanom?
If you are interested in partnering with Khanom, you would message a member of the Public Relations branch. Click here for our partnership requirements.
What is the maximum amount of items someone can order?
The maximum amount of items someone can order is 3. If someone orders more than 3 items from our menu, you have the right to decline the order and inform them that they can order 3 items only.
How can I appeal my Trello/Discord ban?
If you are looking forward to appealing, you must message a member of the Super Ranks team in order to appeal. Click here to view our ban appeal information and questions.
Leadership Team