Knight Remotes; A Roblox networking solution


The KnightRemotes module provides a simple robust framework for managing remote events and functions across the client and server. This module handles remote creation, firing, middleware management, and connection, ensuring efficient, secure communication for your game.


Button Button Button

Now i don’t know much about networking, but could you maybe provide some examples on how this works, and how to use it? (BTW, the github button is really small.)

Sorry about buttons being small, was fine in preview; will be fixed soon.

In term’s of examples & documentation you can find it at Knight Remotes API | Knight Framework. Knights Remotes was used in combination of the Knight Framework in this game template: Knight Demos: Basic obby - Roblox

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Why use Knight over just making RemoteEvents? How is this any more secure than a data validation function I write for my own remote events, which can be specialized for the specific data it receives?

In the backend this obviously utilizes RemoteEvents, RemoteFunctions, etc. Point of Knight Remotes is to allow you to provide more advanced requirements that may be required such as Middleware for Authentication.

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is to allow you to provide more advanced requirements that may be required such as Middleware for Authentication.

I mean, sure, but is the authentication provided by Knight Remotes actually any better than authentication I get from just validating data provided from the client through Remotes?

Does it abstract network and optimizes packets size?