Koala Association | Interviewer Guide

This guide is for MR+ (middle rank) who help to interview people at the cafe. You can find the times that interviews are hosted at here. You can find out how to get a job at Koala Cafe by visiting our FAQ post.

You may copy and paste these questions and responses, remember to fill in any areas marked [?].

Interview Questions:
I) Why are you interested in employment at Koala Cafe?

II) By hiring you, how would you benefit our company?

III) How great is your spelling? (Good, bad, okay, excellent, etc)

IV) Where did you hear about us or find our group?

On Pass:
Congrats, you passed! Please stay seated as I rank you.

You have been ranked, please rejoin the game to receive a mop and access to the kitchen area. Please remember to attend a training session soon as it would greatly help!

On Fail:
Sorry to say, but you failed. Please stay seated. I’ll give you some advice and things to work on!

You are welcome to try again at another session, times are located via group shouts and our discard.

You just need to work on [?] a little bit and you should pass our next interview!


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