KuurDine Handbook

KuurDine Handbook

KuurDine Twitter
KuurDine Group

Main Information

KuurDine is a theatrical dining-style establishment. Dine up, to try varying types of cuisines & take part in our theatrical scene by directing plays, acting, controlling technical controls, and much more. Founded on June 12th, 2021

Other Topics

KuurDine Cooking System Guide

:hammer_and_wrench: KuurDine is currently in development, please join our communication server in our social links to stay in the loop!

Casual Roles Information

Audience / A member who has joined the group, these members cannot perform any work tasks & must apply at the Apply Center as the first step towards working.

Awaiting Training / A member who has applied & successfully passed, these members are now awaiting to be trained by joining the Training Center.

Chef / A member who is able to serve & cook food for members, these members have basic knowledge of their starter position.

Experienced Chef / A member who is able to serve & cook food for members, these members have outstanding knowledge of the systems that are used & have time experience within the game. These members have been noticed by either a Medium Role or High Role member.

Actor / A member who is able to act within plays & are able to entertain audience members within the auditorium portion of the diner.

Technician / A member who is able to interact with in-depth technical controls for plays. These members are coordinated with the Director of the play.

Director / A member who is able to direct plays for audience members & to create plays that they envision.

Lobby Manager / A member who is able to oversee & manage the lobby portion of the diner & the theatrical portion. These members guide audience members around the diner & assist other members.

Applying Information

Information on this topic soon to be released.

Community Rules

Information on this topic soon to be released.


Information on this topic soon to be released.


For moderation contact, please contact anyone of our Medium Role team members.
General Manager

For business opportunities & further inquiries, please contact anyone of our High Role team members.
Executive Director
Board of Director
Chairman recommended

Please contact within our Discord server, linked in our social links attached to our group & game.

More information is to be added within the handbook, thank you for sticking with KuurDine

Last modified (7/7/21)