kvKAVI | Portfolio

Hi there! I’m kv, kvKAVI. As a college student, the bulk of my time goes to school and hunting down internships. :eyes:
…but I really enjoy game development in my free time!

Specifically, I do scripting and UI work. Feel free to view the demos down below.
(Models and GFX belong to their respective owners!)

Through the years (that I can remember)…


King’s Landing (Demo)

  • Ongoing commission
  • Built the entire scripting framework (with the help of some libraries like ProfileService and Raycast Hitbox) from the ground-up
  • Features include: inventory system, combat system (block, feint, bash, different animations and abilities for each weapon type), job system (blacksmithing, fishing), material collection (wood chopping, mining), house purchasing, horse-riding, and a bunch more


Mall Tycoon (Demo)

  • Unique spin on a tycoon by having players “unlock” shop types and manage their stores by restocking items and customizing the layout/decorations of the store itself
  • The NPCs use pathfinding and are programmed to wait patiently in line and spend on players’ stores with a budget that depends on various factors
  • Inspired by quarantine; currently on hold
See older

Fiverr Commissions (Seller profile)

  • Made a bunch of random things like a script for hooking up someone’s custom elevator model, group morph menus, and a music playlist system


YouTube Scripting Tutorials (My channel)


Uhtceare (Demo, Game)


An Inspired GUI Intro (Demo)




The Legend of Korra Game GUI (Game)

  • My first script and my first GUI :pleading_face:
  • Big shoutout to @Roblox for this awesome exposure!

I’m not looking for new opportunities at the moment, but in case you’d like to get in touch:

Discord: kvKAVI#0172
Twitter: @kavi_viv


i used ur custom backpack gui lol

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I gotta say that this is a pretty neat portfolio, nicely organized and easy to read.

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:eyes: That’s super outdated now! Hope it still worked!

Thank you! I definitely tried my best not to clutter it too much.

Your stuff is absolutely amazing - I loved the things you did for that King’s Landing, truly remarkable.


Thank you so much! We hope to be able to re-release the game one day :sob: