Ladders not working

Heya! I’m xt12t, also known as “K0rrupt”!

I wanted to know how to solve a ladder issue
So that is the ladder and it is not working for some reason (it does not let the player climb it), do you guys know how to solve it? All feedbacks are appreciated

Picture of the ladder V:


Maybe try move the parts closer to each other

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Have you tried moving them closer together? It could also be your climbing animation.

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The players are in R6, so I don’t know if it is because of the player climbing animation

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It will possibly have to be R15

If they are in R6, you may have to experiment by moving the Parts closer, or maybe even further away from each other

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Why would it need to be in R15 though? Is it because of Roblox Physics?

Yes Roblox was first designed with normal avatar sizes r15 so that is how the physics were created

If you want to let the players climb the ladder, the parts need to be 1 stud apart from each other or you could use truss parts.

No, players will actually climb better in R6 due to every player having the same animation.

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Are you using R15 or R6 for testing? It looks like you should be able to climb it.

It’s hard to gauge your part sizes through the picture but I typically use 1 stud gap between each part in ladders and have no issue with climbing. If for some reason its still not working you could try to use invisible truss parts as annoying as that may be.

If you wanna have a ladder like that, then do what most people say to just move the parts slightly closer, but maybe add a truss and make it invisible. Hope this helps.

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You should always be using Truss parts if you want your players to reliably prompt the Climb animation. As suggested above, turn CanCollide and CanTouch off for the actual steps, and make the Truss parts Transparency = 1.

Any other method is (at least partly) unreliable.

This is not true lol. R15 has variable scale (based on hip height) - it’s one of its major features. This makes ladders and stairs just as variable. Roblox’s “normal avatar size” was defined by the R6 rig, and physics calculations are based off that scale too (at least, they used to be, not sure if they still are?). In short - Climbing is not restricted to only R15 rig types.


How large is the gap between parts? If they are too close, they will be registered as a wall; if they are too far apart, they will be registered as a bunch of walls. I would recommend about 1 stud between the parts.

@Aotrou’s point is also very valid.

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Ohhhh thank you!
But the thing is, we used that technique to make the ladder work and it did, but we have a script for the ladder (when you press button the ladder appears). So if we use 2 trusses, we will have to modify the whole script since we cannot make trusses wider nor union them

I mean it’s either that or follow what many people are saying above: you need to make your ladder rung spacing 1 stud (or slightly less if I remember correctly?). But again, this isn’t great practice, and is unreliable.

I don’t know your specific situation or use case though, so you’re going to have to test multiple configurations yourself. We can only help so much :stuck_out_tongue:


Don’t union a simple ladder, that’s something that’ll make it harder to climb and make your game laggier depending on how many things you’re unioning.

It could be your Climbing animation, if not move them closer to eachother!

Make the blocks closer so players can climb.

If the Player can’t climb up it then make the blocks smaller.

Put an invisible Truss part over it to make it easier for yourself.