Last night's update broke all sounds in my game

All sounds no longer play for anyone, besides music played in the player’s PlayerGui. Here are a few things that popped up in the Local Log (nothing was in Server Log)

Also I got this weird VR-related bug, but I’m currently not using a VR device in-game.


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I’ve had a lot of those errors on your first picture, but I haven’t had anything game-breaking happen to Notoriety.

You’re talking about this game, right?

I see errors when I enter the non-menu portion of the game, but all sounds seem to play fine.

Has anyone been able to pin down the “onSoundLoaded cannot find SoundService Sound” error?
My guess is that it happens when you:

  1. Create sound, set parent to somewhere in the game.
  2. Set SoundId
  3. Before it loads, set parent to nil

(step 1 might not be necessary).

I’m talking about this game:

which is the test place for this game:

but according to my players, sounds seem to work fine in the actual game, just not on the test place. I haven’t changed anything related to sounds for a long time.

The way I’m creating sounds is firing a RemoteEvent from a LocalScript and supplying the name of the sound that is in ReplicatedStorage. The server-side of the RemoteEvent then clones the sound from ReplicatedStorage, puts it in the specified part, plays it, then destroys it right after. That could be the problem, but it used to work fine. Gonna try putting a wait() after playing the sound.

EDIT: That fixed most of the sounds, but others still don’t play :l

EDIT2: Nevermind, it actually did fix all the sounds. For some reason though, if too many sounds are being played at once, the most recent ones that were played will not be heard…

I was talking about that game, not the OP. Regarding that onSoundLoaded issue:

I believe I noticed it when the police would shoot the glass in my game. How this works is that a ray is cast into the glass, and when it hits, it parents a ‘smashing’ sound into the glass. Then, the glass is split into four new parts, and the original glass is destroyed, along with the sound. This is probably what causes the error, the sound being removed (while playing?).
This is just one instance of the error occurring, not the only one.

FWIW, the VR thing is harmless, but I agree the error is annoying. I’ve already fixed it, it’ll be out the Wednesday after next.

That’s probably it. Are you able to replicate the error message in a simple case?

  1. The sound shouldn’t continue playing once you remove the object. See: Audio networking, API consistency and 3d sound improvements

  2. I’d like to give it a better error message, or possibly not have it print an error message if you’re not doing anything “wrong”.