At the moment you can have only one shirt and one pair of pants on, which can be a problem for me sometimes as I’d like to have multiple different layers on at once. Example:
Here is a wolf dude and currently they have a base fur texture
In order to put a shirt on them I have to create many many surface GUIs in each limb and that’s a real time waster and they don’t wrap the mesh of the part and they also glow in the dark
I think it will be a pain to enable multiple clothing pieces layered at once, because internally IIRC they stick all the textures of a character on a single texture, and they draw each character’s textures using a single draw call.
They could however write one set of clothing to the texture first and then overwrite it with the non-transparent sections of a different piece of clothing, that may work out and it would allow for this use case. The Z-index of the clothing would probably not be as dynamically settable though.
Assuming you have permission to use/edit both pieces of clothing the obvious solution is to just layer them on top of each other in your typical image editing software (e.g., then upload it as one piece of clothing.
Also, the reason something like this doesn’t exist most likely lends in to what buildthomas has said. The intention of having composite textures is to reduce all the elements of a character under one draw call, so if you have multiple (separate) pieces of clothing on top of each other that are all being rendered you’re entirely defeating the purpose of it and in effect it would have a significant performance reduction. You’d probably start seeing issues once you get past about 10-15 players on a server.
Me and @Crykee needs this feature in order to customize in-game exclusive clothing, which would become tedious to maintain if we don’t have this feature - the solution presented in OP, the game in question allows for both R6 and R15 figures, so that wouldn’t work out
Currently only the first Shirt, Pants and T-Shirt that gets added to the NPC / player character model gets shown - letting us add overlays would be super, possibly even with a ZIndex.
Is there any possibility of this feature being implemented?
My use case would be to layer an Apron over my Players own clothing.
At the moment I have to decide whether to commission a Shirt + Pants of an Apron with an under outfit or just forget about the Apron idea. Neither options are ideal.