Leaderboard+ - Create Custom Leaderboards in Studio

About The Developer

Hey all,
I’m Infinite_Visions, an advanced Roblox scripter, owner of Visions Games. I’ve worked on other plugins such as RoCurve, and a group chalk-full of games. Let’s jump into it.

What is Leaderboard+ ?

This Plugin Includes features Roblox’s leaderboard could only dream of, allowing you perfect customization for your game. Features include:

* Show Admins Symbol (Custom Toggle). Admins Specified by a table.
* Custom Gamepass Symbols support.
* Show Premiums (Custom Toggle).
* Show Game Owner (Custom Toggle).
* Show Display Names (Custom Toggle).
* Force Uppercase Names (Custom Toggle).
* Change Leaderboard Background Color.
* Choose what data to display on the leaderboard.
* Ability to customize every aspect of gui appearance, from symbols, to font, to color.

This plugin provides a template, a base, from which you can expand off of to include features the Roblox leaderboard could only dream of. You could customize it, and really make it your own. It isn’t a catch all, solve all problems leaderboard, but it is a platform from which you can further customize and make use of your game’s potential.

Where Can I Get Leaderboard+ ?

You can find it here: Leaderboard+ - Roblox

How Do I Use Leaderboard+ ?

  1. Open the plugin. A dockwidget interface will appear. You will see the following buttons:

    • Choose Background Color - this will allow you to change the color of your leaderboard. Just enter in the RGB color value. Or, change this once the leaderboard is inserted into your game.
    • Custom Data - by checking this, you can choose what data is displayed in your leaderboard. You just have to enter in the “path” to the value you want to display in the textbox below. For referencing your player, you can just do “player”. This can also be edited from within the leaderboard itself.
    • Show Premium Symbol - This allows you to determine whether or not Premium Users will have a special symbol appear beside their name in the leaderboard.
    • Generate - This button generates the leaderboard inside of StarterGui. From there, you can change it’s size, position, color, and look to whatever you want.
    • Show Owner - Choose whether you want to show the owner.
    • Show Admins - Choose whether you want to show game Admins. You can change these admins by opening the LeaderboardHandler script, and inserting the player names into the table.
    • Force Uppercase - Choose whether you want to force names to appear in uppercase.
    • Gamepass Symbol - Choose whether you want to have a custom leaderboard symbol for gamepasses.
    • Display Names - Choose whether you want to have display names instead of normal names.
  2. Once you generate your leaderboard, you can open it up. You will find a frame named LeaderboardFrame, inside a CustomLeaderboard gui. Inside LeaderboardFrame, there is a HoldingFrame. The HoldingFrame is a scrolling frame that displays the player list. There is a sample inside that, which you can tweak to your own liking. Customize your leaderboard to whatever you’d like.

    • There is a script named LeaderboardHandler inside the CustomLeaderboard. This handles the names in the leaderboard.
    • There is a local script named LocalHandler inside the CustomLeaderboard. This disables Roblox’s leaderboard, and handles the opening/closing of the leaderboard.
  3. Change the scripts inside the leaderboard to your liking, to work and function exactly how you’d like.

Important Notice:

  • This is new, and as such, has bugs.
  • This plugin will ask for scripting injection, as scripts are needed to run the leaderboard.

What Updates Are Coming To Leaderboard+ ?

  • Bug Fixes

  • More customization options, and a color wheel for background color.

How Can I Support Leaderboard+ ?

  • Install It
  • Suggest it To Friends
  • You can Donate Here: Donate Place

Plugin Source Code: Leaderboard+ Plugin Source Code - Pastebin.com

What do you want to see with this plugin? Give me your ideas! Find bugs? Let me know! Thanks!


the UI could be better looking really


Ah, sounds more realistic now, I won’t be using the plugin, simply since I do not need it and can create my own if need be, however, I never knocked it, great work!


Update 7/12/2021
* Entire Gui Interface re-design (The plugin interface and the leaderboard interface)
* Display Names (Optional Toggle)
* Show Owner (Optional Toggle)
* Show Admins (Optional Toggle)
* Forced Caps (Optional Toggle)
* Custom Gamepass Symbol (Optional Toggle)
* Bug Fixes + code improvements

The goal of this update was to make this plugin function as I’ve envisioned. It works cleaner, gives more customization, and allows for you to really make the leaderboard your own.

Remember, feel free to customize the leaderboard further :wink:

Update it here: Leaderboard+ - Roblox


this is AWESOME!

yo do you mind if i make these leaderboard uis one of my comissions?

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Hey, thanks!

If you replace the UIs with your own, or customize the UIs, go for it! As long as the UIs are changed up a bit you can claim them as your own work :slight_smile:


Hello! Pretty minor spelling mistake, but its been annoying me for a bit. I’m quite sure “faunt” is a misspelling of “font” unless its another word.

Btw, great plugin!


Thanks! I’m usually a grammar nerd, but for some reason I love old English, and seem to slip into what feels right for me (ei “au” instead of “o”). It should be resolved.


I would love to use this if it supports group rank and obby points.


You could pretty easily get it to support group rank/obby points, just by adding in the following code:

if Player:GetRankInGroup(GroupIdHere) == 25 then -- Where the 25 is the rank. 255 would be owner, 0 would mean they weren't in it.
    NewSlot.YourImageLabelHere.Visible = true

You’ll just have to edit the code slightly to get it to work :wink:

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okay i found a bug where if a player leaves there name stays on the leaderboard

is there anyway to fix this


It will be weird if the value in player leaderstats changes when there are more than two players

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Apologies for the bump, but the Plugin is not installing. Is this an issue on my side, or a developer blooper? I saw another person complain about this on the models’ page.

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The plugin hasn’t been maintained in a while. However, it should be working even so. A recent Roblox update may have broken it?

My guess is, something to do with this ^^


help!, whenever a player leaves the leaderboard stays on

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Hello is this plugin still working in 2025, I can see that it has been abandoned but would you recommend I still use this? I’m just trying to create a custom leaderboard with some basic features and decent gui

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