Let me reuse CanvasGroup textures multiple times

My Movie has the primary video slide, which is a CanvasGroup, and then a track list at the bottom which copies that video slide multiple times.

The longer the frame, the more it repeats. Each time however, I must duplicate the children, and worse, store all that texture memory.

I want to be able to efficiently reuse the same memory from the same CanvasGroup. For example, if I could get a Content for the CanvasGroup and then put that in an ImageLabel like an EditableImage. This would help me increase the efficiency of my game.


I support this a lot.

In addition to this, I would also love to have the ability to use viewport frames the same way that is storing its content in an image label. This would prove pretty good for idle viewport frames without any motion. (Could also open opportunities for viewport frames to have a better rendering engine similar to the real game without sacrificing FPS)


This would be extremely useful for many things, even outside your use case, like duplicating a video output from a singular video frame with only one using an actual video frame for the sound output. Definitely support!