Let members use ONLY #lounge:roblox-discussion subcategory (Good Idea?)

No, this isn’t the public Roblox forum 2.0.
This would cause into lots of non-developers to join the forum and use this forum as the alternative to the former public Roblox forums.

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In #lounge:roblox-discussion there is private information which is only made to be viewed by regulars, therefor opening it up would completely undermine that private information which the OP may not want viewable to the majority of the forum.


Adding this is not going to be a good idea. Number one, the quality of more off-topic and spam posts is going to rise more, and once members realize there’s a #lounge category, there’s gonna be many off-topic and spam posts, and will just use that category to talk about ROBLOX. Second of all, this is not the ROBLOX Forum, this the Developer Forums. If you wanna talk about ROBLOX, then use Discord for that.


To be honest, even with my stance of not wanting the development discussion category to become regular+ this is a bad idea.
The whole point of the lounge being regular exclusive is because the lounge is meant for people to talk. If every member had this power then the forum would be flooded with lounge posts sense they could just post whatever they want.
The problem with the development discussion is that people are making anything remotely close to development in Roblox into a discussion which really makes it a lounge question.
Many people including myself dislike that there are irrelevant posts being put in development discussion so a proposed argument is to make it regular plus as it used to be TL2, although personally I disagree.

If we have people who want the developer forum to become a forum then we might as well have the forums back and then deal with all the problems there :confused:.

(Ik this is atupid lol) I think there are other categories for ranks above regular actually.

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Why not just add a new subcategory of #development-discussion called #roblox_discussion? I think that would be a much better idea.


  • Development Discussion gets flooded with these kinds of non-development posts.
  • There is no category for general Roblox discussion, unless you are a Regular, and Members can’t even be promoted right now until there’s a new version of Post Approval.
  • Some people (like me) don’t have Discord, and can’t use that for discussion.

This still presents the same issues as mentioned above (except for the sensitive info part). If you don’t have Discord, I recommend you get it. It’s free, and literally everyone uses, or at least used, Discord.

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Ignoring that if the DevForum was made today that Lounge wouldn’t have existed at all (as others have already said), it wouldn’t make sense to make a new subcategory for one that exists already, even if the other one is restricted. It would be better if the existing category was made public, but that’s also not going to happen because there’s private information in there that would be bad if it was leaked to non-regulars.

Why not just get Discord? It’s free.

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Adding a subcategory for a ‘Roblox Discussion’ is by honesty, not the best way to solve our problem for #development-discussion, and adding this, would just encourage people to go into the Developer Forum to use it some sort of public forum rather than a Developer Forum, and it would really destroy it’s true purpose of being a forum for Developers.

I agree, with several statements of other people, there’s so much ways to communicate, why not use social media, roblox chat, or Discord?

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That still won’t be a good idea. People wouldn’t talk about ROBLOX Development and rather go here to make this the Forums 2.0, and just chat in your suggested channel. Remember, you can always use Discord to chat, it’s free and very fun to talk with people.

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That’s very logical in my opinion. It’s not needed. This isn’t what the former public forums used to be.
If Roblox Discussion was made public, lots of non-developers would join and the moderation here would get a huge backlog. Oh, and what about the quality of this forum dramatically decreasing if that would happen?

Worst idea ever, no support.


Even if I voted for the good idea. Why would we not want this. Roblox Wiki on fandom says that regular promotion is closed due to post approval being closed, meaning members would NOT be able to ever see lounge in their entire life

because we don’t need to convert the developer forums to the roblox forums 2. The roblox forums was removed because people there are doing bad stuff

They don’t need to see #lounge, if they see a troll post, just flag and move on. don’t feed the trolls by replying

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If I my assist you with this

What does that say? What’s that lassie? It says regular promotion is closed. And that this guy said that they don’t need to see it. Despite the fact that a few members want this!

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just have a frontpage game :skull:

This part of your reply has been already answered despite the fact that this particular case has been closed:

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