Let There Be (Unified) Light! Unified Lighting Enters Studio Beta

LET’S GOOO! I’ve been wanting a new change with the lighting and some of these fixes for so long! Amazing move roblox, amazing move!


I apologize if I am misunderstanding this but will there only be Realistic and Soft as a LightingStyle, eliminating of all old LightingStyles?

If this happens to be the case, my game would encounter a problem. I’ve originally used ShadowMap. With the new Realistic lighting set to 8 graphics, the lighting in my game looks identical to my old lighting at 10 graphics which is what I’m looking for. However, when setting the new lighting to 10 graphics, the lighting is completely transformed into something I don’t wish my game to have.



Would there be any way to minimize the graphics from going past a certain amount or to toggle the distance rendering amount to make my lighting look how it is at 8 graphics when playing at 10?


To replicate previous lighting technologies:

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Sorry, what do they mean by this? :sweat_smile:

Will there be an option in Lighting properties to enable the old lighting modes or be able to disable the use of of certain ones within Unified Lighting?

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They said in the post that they are working on adding increased maximum range for light sources


Is it planned to allow developers to remove ALL ambient occlusion, no matter the graphics settings? It’s needed for toon-like games, or scenarios where we need 3d objects to look 2d


Did this update do something with the stats UI? It looks like eye-candy now!


It means if you want to replicate how ShadowMap lighting previously looked, you set LightingStyle=Soft and PrioritizeLightingQuality=true. Currently there seems to be an issue where the default LightingStyle is Realistic which is what seems to be happening in your place.

“Unified” lighting means that the ability to select a specific lighting technology is being replaced with these two new properties. Certain lighting settings are being decoupled from technology, giving you more control over lighting and making it easier for Roblox to add additional features and performance enhancements.


Funny enough it was an unrelated change that was made on the same day:


I don’t think you understand just how long I’ve wanted falloff control!
Thank you Roblox! (yes I know it’s not out yet, but still, I’ve waited so long)


Global Illumination is something they’ll plan to work on in the future


Whew, that’s quite the visual bug!

I’ve got a approximately 124 lights in this entire house for information.
There is a second floor and a basement, and one of the light fixtures has 4 lights, 2 Spot, 2 Point.
Hope this helps at all for the future of Unified lighting!


SurfaceLight Angle = 0 In a short distance ahead, the light can no longer be seen.

In fact, Angle = 1 is fine. It seems there is no difference. But I found that.


I don’t see a difference in the Future Lighting vs Unified Lighting.
Also, literally… Wdym by increased range? Nothing changed (mb i read that wrong, itll come in the next update)

since we are talking about increasing light range, just give us no limits man
for example, i want to remake the 1000-THR ‘Earthmover’ from Ultrakill. He has a big beam that shines light. The earthmover is massive, like 1500+ studs. Do you think a range of 60 on a light source for him would be enough??? (answer: NOT AT ALL)


I think you misunderstand a little bit.

TLDR: Unified is NOT a new technology, it is backend things to make lighting behave better.

Unified lighting is not supposed to be a new lighting technology, it will remain almost identical to Future, ShadowMap, and Voxel (depending on what values you set)

What is different is being able to see shadows and lights further when prioritized, but it visually won’t change anything enough to see a difference, it’s the backend changes, like better performance, better support between high and low end devices, and backwards compatibility.

(Also don’t forget, it’s still a beta feature)


True, there are ways to temporarily fix this yourself though, you could scale the walls a bit further, or the roof, or both. OR! A trick some people do is add a big block with Cast Shadows over the top of the building.

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What’s the difference between realistic and future?
i don’t see one

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Please give us complete control of shadow draw distance! Not being able to control this greatly reduces the visual fidelity of my projects, especially large maps or scaled up models. I’d like to have at least a shadow draw distance of a couple thousand studs. I understand them reducing quality beyond a set distance but currently they just cut out and it is really ugly looking.

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I asked the same thing, here, I hope this helps! :slight_smile:

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New debug interface style