Let us customize our game page's colors (at the very least)

I’ve got some very non-robloxy looking stuff on my game-page. Yes, there are ads which ruin the aesthetics a bit but if we could recolor the different sections a bit per-game that would be great. I scribbled over the sections that could be recolored. They would be two colors. It’d be even cooler if roblox let us apply materials over them (from in-game). I would make the white portions use grey DiamondPlate and the the background use black Metal.


Support, this would be a nice update to the site’s graphology. :slight_smile:

This would be awesome! I also got a really random idea to add on to this. What if you could pay R$ to NOT display ads on your games page? I have no idea how many people would use it or if it would be practical but it’s an interesting thing to think about none the less.

Poll time!

Would you like the ability to change the colors and material of the background on your game’s page?

  • Yes for both
  • Yes for just the colors
  • No
  • Undecided

0 voters

If you had the ability to pay R$ to turn off ads on your game’s page would you consider using it? (assume it’s a reasonable price)

  • Yes
  • No
  • Maybe

0 voters

I’d be willing to pay $500 R a day to disable them.

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I rather replace someone elses ads with ads to my games for no additional cost then what it costs to remove everyone elses ads.

It’d be cool if we could also upload a sort of banner/title image to display above the media/play button

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I don’t see the appeal behind random colors on every game’s page. Would look really un-uniform as a website imo. On top of that, I can’t imagine advertisers being okay with the idea of disabling ads.


It’d be for BC members only on game pages.

I don’t see the appeal of having a bright white modern background page on my dark and gritty game.

In addition to the uniformity issue, now you’re having to worry if users meet design expectations for the site. It won’t reflect on ROBLOX very well when a bunch of games are using bad color choices and you’re blinded by neon or low-contrast colors that make it difficult to distinguish where specific features of the page are.

That being said, I do think a game’s page should provide more customization. NexusMods is a really good example of how developers can be given the power to customize their assets’ pages for instance. I don’t think their interface is as friendly to navigate as we’d want on ROBLOX, but the general idea behind those mod pages is something ROBLOX could apply to games.

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I think it’s something that sounds great in theory but wouldn’t end up working well.
I did a really rough edit of what it might look like.

Which (even if done less poorly) wouldn’t look good. And that’s a dark theme which is pretty interchangeable. What if pages started to look like this D:

Can you do a demo image of what you envisioned? Not sure I’m seeing your vision :stuck_out_tongue:
(Tomarty’s game just happened to be my most recently played so I used it as the sketch :slight_smile: )


Why would you give players neon colors in the first place?

We should get a small palette of pre-selected BrickColors. I’d love to show you what I want but my photoshop skills are crap lol.

They would have to be pre-selected palettes/themes and not a palette of pre-selected colors. Even if we’re only offered a select number of colors, there will still be a way to match them poorly.

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simple choice between light and dark in the game configuration would be neat



Using that as a base I added a design of sorts? This is going off on another tangent but looks quite cool. After doing it however I think the designs should be on the left and right only and only pre-made designs.

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These are the sort of things that should be done on your own website and not on ROBLOX. Unfortunately, we lack an API that allows us to launch our games from an external website which is really what we need.


Only people showing the dark theme other than AbstractAlex aren’t showing how terrible the ads will look on it as well as the bright blue bar at the top as well as the bright menu on the left.

Personally, I don’t want this, the uniformity of the site is a good thing, the only thing I would want to be colourable is the background when you view a game on someone’s profile so that it isn’t always green.


yeah, uniformity a must. I love that they’ve been bringing the whole site under this unified style.

my concern is when the art style of the site doesn’t match the art style of the game. it’s hard to take a gritty FPS seriously when the landing page is full of bright, saturated colors and feel-good vibes.

imo the consistency between a game’s style and its landing page should be prioritized over the consistency between the game’s landing page and the rest of the site

the rest of the internet seems to deal with it pretty well. http://www.nexusmods.com/games/ turn off ad blockers

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I don’t buy that whatsoever.

When I walk in to a bright Gamestop filled with mario/pokemon merchandise and LEDs and go pick up a copy of Resident Evil I don’t think “man, it’s too bright in here to take this game seriously”. I don’t think anybody’s ever said that.

Sure, if a game’s own UI is bright that’s a different story, but I don’t think any average consumer looks at the store page of a website and thinks “this page doesn’t match the product I’m getting”.

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I’m all for this, however I don’t see it ever happening.