Let us see who Thumbs Downed

Whenever someone thumbs or thumbs down there should be a list or something so we can see who Thumbs Downed and who Thumbsed Up. Another cool feature would to be reward them if they thumbs up. Player:FeedBackLeft()
Or something like that I’m not sure.


But that only allows Devs to berate or bribe the person into changing their vote to make their game’s ratings better.


Your game speaks for itself – if people are downvoting your game, make it better. You shouldn’t be bribing them to change their votes.

It’s no surprise that games built on benefiting you don’t do so well with the players:


The main point of this post was being able to view who has thumbed down or thumbed down. I was just thinking of other things that could go with it.

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The main point of this post was being able to view who has thumbed down or thumbed down. I was just thinking over things that could go with it.[/quote]

Correct me if I’m wrong, but the only thing you can do with that is convince players who thumbs-downed the place to change their vote and reward those who thumbs-upped the place.


I don’t see the use behind this, if you have a lot of downvotes, then most likely there will be people sending you messages and posting comments as to why. Its just an indicator to see how well people like your game in general.


[quote] Your game speaks for itself – if people are downvoting your game, make it better. You shouldn’t be bribing them to change their votes.

It’s no surprise that games built on benefiting you don’t do so well with the players:


I haven’t touched that game in months, why did you even bring it up? It is completely irrelevant. You assumed that I wanted this feature only for that game? The only reason it’s still active is because I enjoy listening to the music in it.

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I think this would be a great idea!
You could use it to organize a hit list!


Crazy Sniper is relatively new and can’t be referenced, and the Casino was the most-visited free (non BC and not paid access) game that you had.

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Crazy Sniper is relatively new and can’t be referenced, and the Casino was the most-visited free (non BC and not paid access) game that you had.[/quote]
But why would you bring it up? Do you think a casino would get good feedback? NO! People don’t always win and then they thumbs down.

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Crazy Sniper is relatively new and can’t be referenced, and the Casino was the most-visited free (non BC and not paid access) game that you had.[/quote]
But why would you bring it up? Do you think a casino would get good feedback? NO! People don’t always win and then they thumbs down.[/quote]
If you didn’t think it would get good feedback, what do you expect to get from downvote feedback if you already knew what was wrong?

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Crazy Sniper is relatively new and can’t be referenced, and the Casino was the most-visited free (non BC and not paid access) game that you had.[/quote]
But why would you bring it up? Do you think a casino would get good feedback? NO! People don’t always win and then they thumbs down.[/quote]
If you didn’t think it would get good feedback, what do you expect to get from downvote feedback if you already knew what was wrong?[/quote]

The game means nothing to me and the feature I requested was not even meant for half my games. This feature is meant for games I don’t know why people hate.

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You should probably take it down then if you don’t want to look like a complete scumbag. Having a game like that up does you no good and doesn’t give a good first impression.

Of course a casino won’t get good feedback – it’s legalized scamming. Casinos exist for the sole purpose of profiting their beneficiaries by draining the money of those foolish enough to participate. You’re whining about getting bad feedback, and I pointed out that if you make games for the sole purpose of benefiting you, of course no one is going to like those games, and I can only assume your other games are built with the same intentions. If you want to be really successful, take some tips from loleris / any retail institution in existence – customer satisfaction first, the customer is always right, blah blah blah.

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“Whining about getting bad feedback”

Excuse me, where did I whine about that? Did you here me say “Let us give them stuff in game for leaving a thumbs up because my game has a bad rating”

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Yes, but did I mention the bad ratings on my game? I was mostly thinking this as a feature for my upcoming game not my Casino.

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Read your post. You didn’t provide any reason that this should happen. Reasoning > All

I suggested this about a long time ago, excepted I wanted every thumbs downer to provide a short explanation in order to thumbs down and the username would only be visible to the developer of the game. There was quite the opposition on this by RBXDev’rs (I got 0 support), however on the regular ROBLOX forums I got about over 5 pages of support.

Now that I think of it again, it honestly shouldn’t be a problem. If you legit want to thumbs down there should be no problem in writing down why. I wanted this PRIMARILY so that I know exactly what’s wrong with my game, not to do any ridiculous, sinister actions such as bribing them or to send hate mail to them. I would message as many thumbs downers as I possibly can telling them that what they had disliked about the game had been fixed, if it deserved fixing. I wouldn’t support this any longer because unfortunately ROBLOX’s developerbase (as well as its playerbase) isn’t mature enough to handle the responsibility, many would instead abuse it doing things such as, again, bribe/sent hate mail.

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I have no qualms with having to provide a reason when you thumbs down a place, but it should be anonymous so the place creator can’t do anything biased against players who thumbs down his/her game. However, I expect that to fail miserably as users could just type in:


and submit it. If you want feedback on your game you should inform people who didn’t like it to tell you why in the description. In this place, I used to have about a half/half thumbs ratio because it was never finished and left broken. I added “If you didn’t like this game, please PM me why so I can improve it!” to the description, and I started receiving a bunch of PMs of complaints. After I informed them that the game was unfinished/broken / changed something they didn’t like, I magically lost a bunch of thumbs-downs – all of which changed to thumb-ups. I don’t think a system where those people were forced to tell me why they thumbs-downed the place without any interaction with me, which they could also spam their way past, would have yielded results anywhere near the results that I actually did get. On top of that, “If you didn’t like this game, please PM me why so I can improve it!” sounds a hell less more scumbag-y than “THUMMBS UP MY GAME PL0X!”

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I like the idea of requiring people to write a comment, I don’t agree with sharing the username of the person who voted it down.

While I could see how it’d be reasonable to be able to see if a person thumbs up/down on your place, but I don’t think you should be able to see which they did, just that they did vote.

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Yeah no.
The thumbing system is meant to be an “overall measure of public sentiment toward a game.”
If your game is absolute crap but offers a special reward such as admin commands for thumbing it up, there would be more thumbs up JUST for the reward thus dodging its purpose of measuring public sentiment towards that game.

What you should suggest is a way for players to anonymously send feedback along with their thumbs up/down

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