Let us view stats on how long we've spent in each game and on Roblox in total

Right now on Roblox is it impossible to see stats about how long you’ve spent on each game and Roblox in total. On other platforms, such as Steam, it is a commonplace to get stats on how long you’ve spent playing games.

As a player on Roblox, total playtime is a stat that I am curious about; not only is total playtime a fun stat to have, but it also gives an idea of how well you are progressing in a game concerning how long you’ve spent playing it.


Here’s a very similar feature request:

Although it’s quite similar, it focuses, in greater detail, on the counter for individual games rather than in total. Because of this I feel like it’s related to, but slightly different from the request you’re suggesting.


A post was merged into an existing topic: Adding a Play Time Counter For Games