We’ve all seen those accessories. Some ignore them, some use them and others hate them.
Being on the end that despises those accessories, I’ve decided to actually do something about and I am asking YOU for help!
I’ve made a script, that uses the DevStore to it’s advantage, to keep servers up to date with accessories that you can ban and I’ve decided to share it with you all!
It uses the Roblox Creator Store to save the blacklisted accessory list as a module script and it loads it at the start of a server, which means that once inserted, it will be automatically updated between EVERY game! So you won’t need to have a separate list for each game, just update the Store Asset with the new module script and you’re ready to start fighting against those pesky degenerates!
It’s use case is simple, you are able to manually call a moderation check on any avatar through ModeratorManager > Moderator, but mostly ModeratorManager does the work of moderator player avatars! There are also 2 built in Punishments. Level1 and Level2. Level1 simply clears the avatar and turns it into a simple dummy, Level2 Kicks the offender. Each lower level also works as a fallback Punishment if the selected Punishment fails!
How to use:
You’ll want to create a new ModuleScript and name it “BannedAccessoryList” and simply add the ids of the accessories you want to moderate, like the example image below:
Next, you’ll want to upload this asset to the Creator Store and copy the id of, which you will paste into the setting named “AssetId”, shown in the image below:
And you’re done! You can tinker with the Punishment Levels and other Settings of the Moderator, but personally for newer devs I think that the Built-in levels and settings are good enough…
For those that want to make their own punishments, I’ve made it easy to change and add punishments with an example ModuleScript in the folder shown in the image:
Feel free to ask me questions in the replies! I’m also opening up a Discord Server, which I’d like to use as a place to report and share inappropriate accessories so that they could be blacklisted in games across all of Roblox easier!
I’d like to note that for now, I don’t have a list of blacklisted accessories, so until I’m done with the Server and we’re able to invite people to share ids between each other, you’ll need to make your own list and look through the Avatar Marketplace yourself!
Will we have a preset list of items that could be used upon download? I love the idea, but I personally wouldn’t want to look through the catalog for items.
Yeah, I know. Since I just made the system, I am still working on it, but I plan on releasing my own list of items. Though they will focus on banning female chest UGCs, since that’s the main reason why I made it.
In addition, I did make a working API, but I am not using it currently, since I will be getting charged if it’s over-used.
These really bad avatars should simply not exist in the first place especially considering the mass amount of young children on this platform. I hope this may be the closest we have to preventing these avatars from being seen. Although we cannot do much for avatar renders on the profile pages or headshots/full-body thumbnails/busts visible throughout the site. I hope to see systems like these widely used within experiences.
Just a little update on my personally made blacklist for those Female Chest UGCs:
I’ve been working on a system that lets me look through the marketplace in a game based on a specific keyword (those being the ones UGC creators use to name them) and I loop through each and every single one of them. Is it a pain in the butt? Yes. But someones gotta do something about the Degenerates :3 So I’ll release the list in a few days? 1 - 3 give or take.
Hey OP I’ve got an idea which might complement yours. What if you were to make a tinder like mechanic to show store items to people in a game, and the people can decide whether it should be bannable or not. It could be implemented in a minigame on loading screens with 3-5 items to rate and some sort of reward for rating. This way you don’t put all the moderation in the hands of the developer, and you can offload it a bit on the players.
and someone has decided to “joke” a bit, and ranked all as inapopriate. And due to unbelievable odds, entire server was full of such “jokers”, and all accessories got banned.
There are many ways to handle this type of moderation held by players. Of course you shouldn’t have the final deciding factor be in the players hands. You may have a system to store the votes for the UGC’s and once it reaches a certain number of votes, let’s say for example 1000, then you may either process it automatically as in, if the item has 80% negative votes, ban it, otherwise don’t.
Or if you really want to review them yourself, you may also have an admin system in which you can display the UGC content that surpassed the threshold of votes and decide whether it’s a bad one or not. The sky is the limit in how this may be implemented, but I stand by my opinion that it would be good to involve the playerbase as well.
The idea of this Asset(?) is to let the developer(s) decide what they want in their games, of course with how I advertised it, it’s obvious what it was made for, but that isn’t it’s only purpose. You can also use it to blacklist large, obtrusive accessories. And like previously mentioned, I am currently working on a Discord Server to involve the player base like you mentioned. I won’t release it just yet, despite the server and webhooks being made until I release another Asset that will give you the opportunity to create your own reporting system and send reported items through a webhook into a dedicated channel in your own server. However, the reason why I am making my own server is to let smaller devs to use pre-made lists dedicated to different use cases (Blacklisting inappropriate and obstructive UGCs for example) and to also lower the load of constantly up-keeping those lists by myself.
With how Roblox Moderation is, unless we make them risk their money with some sort of wake up call, I doubt they’ll do anything. Take Ruben Sim as an example, he’s been fighting degenerates on Roblox for ages and how did Roblox Respond? By suing him. Hell, he had a better mod team that genuinely did ban a lot of weirdos off of Roblox when he was being watched by Roblox. (Not sure if he still is though.)