Greetings everyone! Me again. I recently saw a game called “Find the Simpsons” do extremely well very fast with very little advertising or reaching out to creators.
(I also have an issue with this because the owner confirmed he did not get a license or anything from FOX to use the Simpsons and he’s profiting off of their franchise but ok)
Anyways, there are many remakes of “Find the” games, and many of them are doing quite well. They take very little building, UI, and scripting skills, and I could make a couple of these games a day.
Should I invest in it and make a lot of badges?
Do these games make money?
Would a new version succeed?
Are there any issues with this trend?
I’m interested to hear your discussions and opinions on this.
Have a great day!
To answer you questions, yes these games makes a lot of money. I made a find the button game a while ago and earned 10k+ in a week, the thing is to have a catchy thumbnail and a good interface for the players when they join.
I think a new verision will succeeed but it might take a bit longer as there is a lot of different “Find the” games.
I made the game during the pandemic. I didn’t need to advertise it a lot, but it still requires a budget. I think i spent around 2k on advertising, but i did it mostly on social media. I didn’t have any badges in the game, except for meeting the creator.
For the monitization I had 3 different ways to earn money. First was the skip level perk (Around 99R$) and then the “Hint” perk, which shows a square where the button in this case is located (49R$) and the last one was reveal button for 75 R$. This just showed an arrow over the button. And as I have the result it was a very good way to monetize it.
Ah ok cool. Would you suggest I go for the 2d images as a lot of the recent “Find The” games have done? I could mass-produce those. Or, would you suggest some sort of actual part(s) built-in studio that does something? (Such as a button, which you can press)
As far as I know, the Simpsons are the property of Fox. Maybe Fox doesn’t have a problem with it, but I also don’t think they made the Simpsons public domain.
I would say yes if you include gamepasses/developer products, also make it slightly more unique then the other versions. Maybe also add a way to purchase the badge instead of finding it.
Edit: I think there is one where you find guns, and this is unique because you get to fire the guns and they all do some cool perk.
Awesome. Would you suggest I do a big open-world map where you can explore together with your friends, or do a level-based map where you could have a pay-to-skip level developer product?
making money off it or not you technically need a license to use the IP, but most companies don’t act because either it’s just not worth it or a waste of time, they have more important things to worry about than some random 15 year old making a homer NPC in roblox
@SuperSpaceMan230 I have rarely seen a post as dismissive as yours. I am the creator of Find The Simpsons game, I am a simpsons fan and no I did not get a license. When I created this game I never imagined I would get more than 20,000 visitors because all the simpsons games are dead and not working on the platform. You think the simpsons don’t care about a game that got 13 million visits in a month? That would be neglecting the power of roblox and its influence. Of course they know about the game, but do they figure I don’t make enough money to request removal, or do they take advantage of the game because it brings visibility to the franchise among children? Would it be DMCA in a few weeks? I don’t know the answer to all these questions. Coming back to the author’s post: Making a scavenger hunt doesn’t take a week, unless it is sloppy or unattractive, do you think this kind of game works every time? Well you’ve seen a dozen games that work, but you don’t see the thousands that fail that you’ll never see. There is no recipe for success
This is very true. I don’t know how many scavengers hunts it took for a few to be successful. But I do believe that the ratio of created games to successful games is currently higher than many other genres.
This is something I’ve been thinking about after making this post, which is, will the Simpsons make more money with your game open, or with it closed? And I think the answer is probably that they will get more attention with the game open, because if they close the game now, players will be mad.
While I find your game extremely fun and we all know it blew up, I personally think that the builds and UI in your game are very poor and sloppy, and that’s coming from someone who’s not a professional UI designer or professional builder. I also have not watched the Simpsons, so I do not know how accurate your map is. What I meant by taking a week, was that you don’t have to plan a new type of game entirely, as the basis of a scavenger hunt game is very simple.
Congratulations on your success, and I look forward to seeing you around the DevForum!