Let's teach an AI to catch exploiters!

Hello everyone!

Major disclaimer before we begin: This tutorial is meant to teach people the basics of ML and how it can be applied to Roblox, this is NOT a proper anti-cheat for your games!

*Oh, also, please note that in this scenario, you’d be better off not using ML in this example, but there are plenty of situations where you definitely could & should

What you’ll need:

  • Python 3
  • An ML library of your choice (or none if you like linear algebra and calculus)
  • Basic knowledge of Lua

We’ll be using TensorFlow & Keras in this tutorial, but honestly because we’re making an MLP, this is easy to follow along in any framework! Anyways, with that out of the way, let’s get to…

Our Problem

Let’s say we have this cool obby game that people like to speedrun. To empower moderators, we create a system that records the players position on the server at every second, and save this data. Typically, moderators are able to hand pick exploiters from the in-game leaderboards. Suddenly, a huge swath of exploiters come and run rampant! If only there was a way to flag runs for moderators to quickly identify exploiters…

picture of the obby game
We could use invis-checkpoints, but that’s lame (and more practical), so let’s use ML to solve this! We’re going to make a model that can look at a series of positions from a player, and determine if they are likely exploiting. But first, we need to understand and collect…


Alright, so this is our very first step. In order to build a good ML model, we’ll need data, and more specifically 'cause we’re going the supervised route, we’ll need labeled data. What this means is we need to not only record player position data, but also include whether or not they were “exploiting”. In this case, exploiting just means using a NoClip tool, and we’ll just note down if we did or didn’t use it.

I don’t have a game with hundreds of players and an attentive mod team, so let’s synthesize some! This is the script I used to generate mock-data:

local  layers = game:GetService("Players")
local HttpService = game:GetService("HttpService")

local winpad = workspace:WaitForChild("Winpad")

local data = {}
local active = true

-- yes ik this isn't a good way to do this, but for my purposes,
-- this will do fine! if you were to legit do this, see if you can
-- account for lag, and obviously only record player data when needed :)
function  roundVector3(vector)
	local roundedX = tonumber(string.format("%.2f", vector.x))
	local roundedY = tonumber(string.format("%.2f", vector.y))
	local roundedZ = tonumber(string.format("%.2f", vector.z))

	return `{roundedX},{roundedY},{roundedZ}`

		local humanoidRootPart = character:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart")
			if obj.Parent == character and active  then
				active = false
				local roundedPosition = roundVector3(humanoidRootPart.Position)
				table.insert(data, roundedPosition)
				local output = table.concat(data, "%")
				-- point of this is to be able to easily store our data as a string
		while  active  do
			local roundedPosition = roundVector3(humanoidRootPart.Position)
			table.insert(data, roundedPosition)

Ok cool! With that script, I just saved the output of some regular runs, and some “exploiter” runs. I split evenly, and did 10 normal and 10 exploiting.

All paths that are red & neon are exploiter paths, and paths that are other colors are normal. Notice how the red ones typically cut through large portions of the obby, whereas normal paths either follow the top or bottom path. Pretty cool, right? These are the patterns we’re hoping for the model to pick up on.

But here’s the thing, 20 runs isn’t going to cut it! We’ll need a ton more, and because I can’t spend my entire day playing this obby, we can instead add random noise to our data to make more of it. Essentially, at each point, we offset it by a random amount in the X, Y, and Z axes. I generated 70 per normal path giving us a total of ~1.2k runs.

Noise data (player generated is much better, but this will do for now!):

Alright cool!

Important Decision

Do you want to train the model within or outside of Roblox?

If you train the model within, you may need to restructure your data a little differently, but from there on out you can use DataPredict by @MYOriginsWorkshop, or really any other ML library on Roblox.

For the rest of this tutorial, I’m doing this outside of Roblox, but don’t worry if you aren’t. You can skip the data exporting, and can roughly follow along with the ML steps.

Data Exporting

Let’s export this to a CSV. To do so, we’re going to use GitHub gists. In order to create the export code, we can read this cool guide by @astraIboy .

If you don’t know, Gists are a cool thing made by GitHub that allow you to have a file that can be read/written to externally! While their use-case typically isn’t that, they have provided an end-point so it’s fair game for something like our purpose :). If you don’t have a GitHub account, I highly recommend you get one. They’re free, and can also get you into the awesome world of Git and version control. Anyways, here’s our code for exporting the data:

:warning: LAG WARNING: Pushing this much data causes some pretty hefty lag for a couple seconds, I recommend exporting your data a different way if you don’t have a great internet connection/computer! :warning:

finalPaths = -- whatever your final paths are, or other data!


local headers = {
	["Authorization"] = `Bearer {AUTH}`

local patch = HttpService:RequestAsync({
	Method = "PATCH",
	Url = URL,
	Headers = headers,
	Body = HttpService:JSONEncode({
		files = {
			["main.csv"] = {
				-- filename is whatever you named your gist file
				content = finalPaths
-- seeing what happened to it

Alright, after a few seconds of lag, you should’ve gotten a 200 (OK), which means our data has exported successfully.

Data Processing

To make our data easier to handle, we’re going to need to whip up a data parser that takes in our “raw” data and converts it to a proper CSV format. Why CSV? Well, it’s pretty much the universal file format for data like this, as it has a large ecosystem of tools within python to interact with it, and load it into our model much faster. Essentially, what happens is…

roblox format (raw) csv format (what we want)
false,1,2,3%3,6,2%… time,is_exploiting,x,y,z
1, 0, 1, 2, 3
1, 0, 3, 6, 2

We’re going to be using pandas which is a python library that allows us to handle CSVs much easier to help us with this.

# data-parser.py

import pandas as pd
import re
import csv

data = pd.read_csv("PATH_TO_YOUR_DATA", header=None, sep=" ", quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONE, on_bad_lines="skip")	

to_replace = {
	"false": "\nfalse",
	"true": "\ntrue",
	"%": "\n",

for value, replace in to_replace.items():
	drop =  True  if value == "%"  else  False

	data[0] = data[0].str.replace(value, replace).str.split("\n")
	data = data.explode(0).reset_index(drop=drop)

previous_is_exploiting = "false"
current_time =  0

# just doing it this way to force the order
data.insert(0, "time", "")
data.insert(1, "is_exploiting", "")
data.insert(3, "x", "")
data.insert(4, "y", "")
data.insert(5, "z", "")

for index, row in data.iterrows():
	modifier =  0
	# because of our data structure, each row should have whether or not it's an exploiters
	# run, so that's what we're doing here
	if  "false"  in row[0] or "true"  in row[0]:
		is_exploiting =  0  if "false"  in row[0] else 1

		modifier += 1
		current_time += 1
		previous_is_exploiting = is_exploiting
		data.at[index, 0] = data.at[index, 0].replace(f"{is_exploiting},", "")
	data.at[index, "time"] = current_time
	data.at[index, "is_exploiting"] = previous_is_exploiting

	split = row[0].split(",")

	if  len(split) >=  3  + modifier:
		# force rounding it, you could honestly drop this part, because lerp
		# will remove the rounding anyways

		data.at[index, "x"] = "{:.2f}".format(float(split[0  + modifier]))
		data.at[index, "y"] = "{:.2f}".format(float(split[1  + modifier]))
		data.at[index, "z"] = "{:.2f}".format(float(split[2  + modifier]))

data = data.drop(columns=["index", "level_0", 0])
data.to_csv("PATH_TO_EXPORT.csv", index=False)

Right now, we have another huge issue: for the model architecture we are using, we want our data to be the same chunk size! What do I mean? Essentially, because some players are able to complete the obby in say 4 seconds, where others complete it in 7 and so on, we want some way to make sure all runs have the “same” time length. We also don’t want the model to learn “less time = hacking”, and I’m sure you can see why. I’ll be choosing 15 (because it’s my longest data-point), but this really depends on your use case, and which runs you consider to pick for monitoring. So to make all of our runs the same length, we can do some interpolation.

Mini lesson on linear-interpolation

What is it? Essentially, linear interpolation or “Lerp” is where we try to estimate a point between two known points. I could give you the mathematical definition and all of that, but I feel it’s pretty intuitive from that alone. So how can we use this? Well, because we want all runs to have 10 data-points, we simply look at the ones that don’t, and Lerp the in-between. Obviously, you can imagine that this gets more and more inaccurate, so we need to be careful in how we choose our “magic number” that we align our data too. Too high, and lots of our data’s intricacies will be lost!

Here we’ll be using numpy to handle our linear interpolation.

# data-lerp.py

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

target =  15

def lerp_chunk(chunk_df):
	if  len(chunk_df) == target :
		return chunk_df

	linspace = pd.DataFrame(

	linspace["time"] = chunk_df["time"].iloc[0]
	linspace["is_exploiting"] = chunk_df["is_exploiting"].iloc[0]

	for col in ["x", "y", "z"]:
		linspace[col] = pd.Series(np.interp(
			np.linspace(0, 1, num=target_rows),
			np.linspace(0, 1, num=len(chunk_df)),

	return linspace
df = pd.read_csv("PATH_TO_ORIGINAL_DATA.csv")
df.sort_values(by=["time"], inplace=True)

result_df = df.groupby("time", group_keys=False).apply(lerp_chunk)
result_df.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)
result_df.to_csv("PATH_TO_LERPED_DATA.csv", index=False)

Alright so after running that, we should now have our newly lerped data. If you open up the CSV, you should notice all the chunks/runs are exactly 15 points, and that the points from our original data are kept.

Here’s a quick graph I made using matplotlib (only plotting X & Z, technically they’re flipped but oh well, you get the point):

Notice how it kept our original data, and only added new data where it’s needed to add up exactly to 15? That means it works! If this example looks great, what did I mean “too much interpolation can cause us to lose intricacies in our data”? This comes down to plotting this against our actual obby. Due to us only recording every 1 second, things like wraparounds are completely ignored, so it looks like we just walked right through them. With the original data, all the points are valid positions the character may be at, but with the interpolated data, they may have invalid positions.

This is why if minute details like this really do matter, you might want to consider other model types such as LSTMs that don’t require “even” data.

For our purposes, this model should learn fine regardless of these “invalid” positions. Ok well, here’s the moment this entire tutorial has been leading to. Are you ready? Because now it’s time for…

Machine learning

Woah, I said the scary word! Don’t worry, we’ll be using one of the simplest model architectures, and I’ll explain the math as we go.

If you really couldn’t care less about what’s actually going on, skip to “Creating the model”. But, I highly recommend everybody who doesn’t understand the math behind our model to read this next part thoroughly!

What’s actually happening?

Let’s say we have a new, simpler scenario. We have X (amount of time a player has spent in game), and we want to predict Y (the amount of currency they have). Well, assuming that our currency progression is pretty linear, we might use the classic


woah, algebra has a use???

Where we can imagine “y” and “x” to be our currency and player time respectively. From this, we can create the basic setup of…

One issue though, how do we find our magic “m” and “b” to make this true? It’s relatively easy to brute force for 1 specific value, but let’s say we have 100 on a scatter plot, how can we do it? What we need to do is make our system “learn”. The very first step to learning is to see where and how we went wrong, so in our case, we should figure out how “wrong” our model was (essentially giving it a grade).

We have to start somewhere, so we’ll just randomize the values of m & b. Yes, this does inherently mean that sometimes when you train a model, it will do better than a previous time because it got more lucky, but typically the actual performance gained will be minuscule.

Back to our grading system; a pretty simple way to start is to take the difference between what we predicted (O) and observed ( P ). “i” here just means the index.


Next, because we want a single score and not a score for each point, let’s do this for each data-point & take the sum of it all.

um^{n}{i=1} O{i} - P_{i}

If you’re confused, the weird sideways looking M is sigma notation, which is a fancy way that allows us to condense huge summations.

Alright, and with that we have a loss function, but it’s not really the best. The reason is why is because the negatives and positives could cancel each other out. A much better, and more classic way to calculate this “score” is through the mean squared error (MSE) function.

athrm{MSE} = rac{1}{n} um_{i=1}^{n}(Y_{i}-at{Y}_{i})^2

This looks a lot scarier than our simple function, but the additional changes are really basic!

  • The Y with the little hat on it is the same as our P, and the normal Y is our O
  • The reason we’re squaring each one is to essentially amplify the model’s shortcomings, and force it to work well with the entire dataset.
  • It gets multiplied by 1 over the number of data-points, and this is just to make the dataset’s size irrelevant to loss. Look at our original function, if we had a model with the same accuracy, but one dataset with 100 points and one with 10 points, it would naturally get a much better loss score on the lower dataset. Dividing by n allows us to avoid this.

Now that we have a fancy way of telling how bad our model is, how do we actually use this to tell the model to get better?

Gradient descent & back propagation

Due to how long this tutorial is getting, we will not be taking a deep dive into back-propagation, but instead I’ll link some really helpful resources!

Tying this back into our model

Ever seen this classic diagram when discussing machine learning? It’s often the quintessential representation of a Multi-layer Perceptron (MLP), but it looks a lot scarier than what we just made! But what if I told you the model we made is really close to this, all we need to do is add more of those middle layers.

What if we had 1 input (the yellow circles) for each X, Y, or Z component in our data (so 15 * 3 inputs)? Then, we could have however many inside neurons (commonly called “the hidden layers”), and have each of our inputs connect to one neuron.

Remember, all a hidden neuron does is apply an equation to its inputs. In this case, because it has multiple inputs, we’d do “(m1 * x) + (m2 * x) + (m3 * x) … (m15 * x)” and then finally add “b” to the sum of all of that. Notice how we already have a lot of power just from our first hidden layer, and don’t really need the second one (the green one). This is one of the really cool things about machine learning, you get to play and design with how your model works! For your case, you might need 2, or maybe even 3 hidden layers, but for ours, this model is strong enough to just have 1.

Last critical thing: Right now, what we’re doing is a regression, because we have no non-linearity in our network. What does this mean? Well, if our entire networks are based on lines, what if our data isn’t just linear, and has more underlying patterns? To quickly add a non-linear aspect, we use something called an activation function. Activation functions get run just after “exiting” our hidden neurons.

But what is f(x)? In theory, whatever you want!

Here are some common ones you’ll most likely see in the field. Notice how all of them attempt to do something to break the linear pattern, like Sigmoids skewing data to be either 0 or 1, or ReLU eliminating negative numbers.

Finally, as for our output neuron (the red circle), we’ll just have 1. This is because we’re trying to predict whether or not the run given in the outputs was an exploited run (which can easily be represented as 0 or 1). The closer our last neuron is to 1, the more likely they are cheating, and vice versa.

Creating the model!

You can skip this if you aren’t using TensorFlow or are doing this on Roblox :^)

TensorFlow is a tool that allows us to construct the models we made above into actual working ones through python. After following the instructions from Install TensorFlow with pip, you’re good to start making the model!

What we’ll be doing is using Keras (which comes with TensorFlow) to build it. While it’s always nice to build from scratch, this tutorial is getting really long, and this provides a nice abstraction! Think of it like being able to declare our model architecture with English, rather than math.

# model.py / model.ipynb
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf

from tensorflow import keras
from keras.layers import Dense

data = pd.read_csv("data/lerped-data.csv")

# making sure the chunks are 15 long!
positions = data[["x", "y", "z"]].values.reshape(-1, 15, 3)
is_exploiting = data["is_exploiting"].values[::15]

# splitting the data into a training set, and a test set to see how well we did!
split = int(len(positions) *  0.8)
shuffle_index = np.random.permutation(len(positions))

positions, is_exploiting = positions[shuffle_index], is_exploiting[shuffle_index]

positions_train, positions_test = positions[:split], positions[split:]
is_exploiting_train, is_exploiting_test = is_exploiting[:split], is_exploiting[split:]

And with that out of the way, here’s our model!

model = keras.Sequential([
	keras.layers.Flatten(input_shape=(15, 3)),
	keras.layers.Dense(1, activation="sigmoid")


model.fit(positions_train, is_exploiting_train, epochs=15, batch_size=15)

Wait what? That’s it? What just happened? Well even though the code looks a bit confusing, I’ve already taught you everything in this! The keras.Sequential() sets up a model that’s layer-after-layer. Our Flatten layer takes our 15x3 “rectangle” and squishes it to be 45 with no 2nd dimension. This makes it easy to feed into our Dense layer, which is 64 of those little circles we thought of above! Finally, all of it comes to 1 node on a dense layer. If it’s closer to 0, their not hacking, if 1, then they are!

The compilation allows us to ask for the metrics we want from the model (accuracy), how it’s evaluated (binary_crossentropy), and the algorithm doing it (adam). I discussed gradient descent which is the basic principle, but adam is a more elaborate version.

When we “fit” the model, we’re just constantly forward propagating and back propagating along our dataset to train it. We then do this process for epoch=15 times and voila. Just like that, we’ve collected, cleaned, analyzed data and trained a binary choice multi-layer perceptron to determine whether someone exploited in an obby. I know, these are all big fancy words, but it’s true!

After our final evaluation, we figure out the model achieved ~85% accuracy. Not bad, but of course this can be improved!

As expected with 85% accuracy, there will be some first positives like the first image. With more data, and more training, this can be easily fixed. Let’s write some final code to go ahead and save our model.

# evaluate our model on test data (in my case 85%)
model.evaluate(positions_test, is_exploiting_test)

# save it for later!

Closing remarks

So is this it? Is this the future of anti-cheat, should I install this into my game right now? No. The purpose of this tutorial was to learn about machine learning, and it’s potential applications on Roblox. While this may seem useful on the surface, you always need to keep in mind the computational power required to invoke networks, and the cost that comes with it. A more practical idea that could be in a drawing game with a large moderation force. You could save previous inappropriate drawings flagged by moderators, and train a model to identify these drawings.

The point is, keep thinking. Machine learning is a valuable tool in almost any field, and it still has a long ways to go.

Machine learning has become quite a mysterious and rapidly developing topic, and with all the misinformation and fear-mongering, I think it’s important for people to learn the inner mechanisms, realize it’s just math, and appreciate its potential helpfulness.

The Code


No way, this tutorial is insane. Props to you for making something so informative.


This is very cool. Good job on making this tutorial.


It’s nice to see people are mentioning my libraries. Thanks for making this tutorial!


bro i was so confused why i got pinged :sob:

so happy to be apart of this :sob: :heart:


one of the only good roblox anti-cheats


This… This is an actually good tutorial.


An ai-powered anti-cheat on top of byfron? something tells me the end of exploiters is coming…



Would this work well if the map is randomly generated, like a maze in Doors, or like a random obby in Tower of Hell?

What about remote manipulation? This won’t detect that. But, as an open source model, it shouldn’t because it doesn’t know what to expect…


I refrain my statement then, but theres still hope.


That’s a really interesting question. Here’s personally how I would approach it, but I’m sure someone smarter than me would have a better idea:

Capture map positional data (room positions, platforms, etc) as well as player positional data. Next, have either:

  • A non-sequential architecture. This means we take the two inputs separately, run them through whatever, have a “communication layer”, and then have one output.
  • or
  • Simply merge the two arrays. Simple as it sounds, that’s kinda the beauty of machine learning.

Either scenario you’d probably use padding and use something like an RNN to allow for variable input sizes. Heck, maybe you could even use a transformer and mess around with it.

This is not a good nor secure anti-cheat at all, and that’s not what this was for (hence the disclaimers).

That said, I’d love to see someone make a fully fledged ML anti-cheat. While the cost and false positives might be the downfall, it still would be pretty cool.


I said it was “one of the only good roblox anti-cheats” because most anti-cheats people make suck and have a ton of false positives (more than this)


Came from a post about how there’s so little Roblox ML tutorials and honestly I gotta say: even though I literally did not understand 99% (seriously) of this post, it looks really good!

I’ll definitely saving this so I can come back once I learn about matrices (wrong thing lol I’m kinda dumb) and all the other prerequisite knowledge.

Thanks for making this! :slight_smile:

1 Like

This is pretty smart but also grimly humorous how we have to make such an overly complicated solution to solve a much simpler problem (server authoritative movement). The whole notion of needing to detect flyhackers and deal with false-positives is absurd in the first place. Roblox might be the last engine in the world that still uses this easily exploitable and outdated trust-the-client movement architecture. I’ve never played an unreal or unity game where people are just flying and teleporting around the map.
Hopefully we can get an actual official solution for this once and for all because measures such as this shouldn’t even need to exist.