LGBTQ | P.R.I.D.E. Standards and Our Promise

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:rainbow: LGBTQ P.R.I.D.E. Standards and Our Promise

In today’s social world, young users are presented with a number of unsuitable context/content, misinformation, misleading ideas, and toxic environments to adapt to. LGBTQ’s goal is to provide a background of freedom from those negative viewpoints and values, hopefully building a better, more positive community overall.

To prevent against negativity, misinformative content, and other dangerous information, we’d love to introduce LGBTQ’s P.R.I.D.E. Standards.

Section 1, P.R.I.D.E.

What does “P.R.I.D.E.” stand for? Below is our belief of a more serene action plan against unsuitable misinformation:

Protect LGBTQ youth; coined as PROTECTION
Respect individual’s privacy; coined as RESPECT
Introduce positive information; coined as POSITIVITY
Delete and eliminate negative misinformative content; coined as MISINFORMATION
Evaluate the state of LGBTQ’s community, assets, and services; coined as EVALUATION

Section 2, Our Standards

Overall acceptability and insurance against negativity and discrimination is of our top priority, which is why we love being P.R.I.D.E.-ful at LGBTQ.


LGBTQ goes above and beyond to protect our community members, affiliated representatives, staff members, and affiliates through our social representation and moderational stability.

By providing exceptionally-well executed moderational representation, we’re able to get to the source of issues and conflicts and create a well-developed action plan to resolve inconveniences quickly. Instances of our current moderational representation include, but may not be limited to:

  • Private-sourced LGBTQ Discord Bot; allowing for moderational practices within the LGBTQ Discord server
  • In-game unique, adaptive administration panel; allowing for complex moderational activities within LGBTQ group games and/or facilities
  • Community phrase-blacklist; editable from in-game administration panel to ensure phrases are actively up to date at all times
  • Private-sourced LGBTQ Roblox Bot; allowing for the reduction and limitation of comments via the LGBTQ group wall, including a message blacklist, player blacklist, and upcoming ban-list
  • Individually trained community staff members; allowing for complex moderational practices to be executed, and to ensure the safety of all of our members
  • Safety-focused Administrative Team; with your online safety being that of our top priority, we ensure that our administrative team is trained on the modern resolutions and issues that revolve around the online Roblox metaverse, which allows for always changing moderational efforts to meet community and P.R.I.D.E. standards.
  • Many, many additional action plans against the disruptive behavior of trollers, miscommunicators, negative influencers/influences, and much more.


Respect is a basic element of communication that everyone should be able to comply with; whether they support a given community or not. A strong understanding of respect and appreciation for others is near required for all group members, assuming that they’re able to provide those basic benefits when accepted into the community. Instances of our incorporative needs for addressing and improving respect include, but may not be limited to:

  • Community phrase-blacklist; editable from in-game administration panel to ensure phrases are actively up to date at all times
  • Well-developed Staff Team; our individualistic staff team is able to purge conversations, comments, and remarks that may not promote positivity, additionally, our staff team engages with our community fairly heavily to ensure complete cross-positivity
  • In-game phrase detection and purge; to accommodate and address modernized phrases that may consistently update due to social normalities and trends
  • Many, many additional action plans against the disruptive behavior of trollers, miscommunicators, negative influencers/influences, and much more.


Through the continuous act of spreading positivity about LGBTQ and the benefits of accepting everyone for themselves; we hope to achieve a more accepting experience for all of our members overall. By focusing on what content our players, members, and family experience, we’re shaping their outlook and vision on what it means to be LGBTQ. Formulating a more accepting and appreciating generation is one of our biggest goals, as it’s difficult to change the mind of older individuals compared to developing youth. Instances of our implementations of LGBTQ-positive content throughout our community include, but may not be limited to:

  • Community phrase-blacklist; editable from in-game administration panel to ensure phrases are actively up to date at all times
  • Well-developed Staff Team; our individualistic staff team is able to purge conversations, comments, and remarks that may not promote positivity, additionally, our staff team engages with our community fairly heavily to ensure complete cross-positivity
  • In-game phrase detection and purge; to accommodate and address modernized phrases that may consistently update due to social normalities and trends
  • Private-sourced LGBTQ Roblox Bot; allowing for the reduction and limitation of comments via the LGBTQ group wall, including a message blacklist, player blacklist, and upcoming ban-list
  • Private-sourced LGBTQ Discord Bot; allowing for moderational practices within the LGBTQ Discord server, alongside the ability to create a message blacklist
  • Many, many additional action plans against the disruptive behavior of trollers, miscommunicators, negative influencers/influences, and much more.


We take misinformation seriously, as the lack of a substantial, logical platform doesn’t provide a positive basis for LGBTQ-positive content. By associating a close focus to the information that is consistently shared and understood by the community allows us to limit the content being taken in by our community. Although we do limit what content is shared, we do not pose ideas of limiting overall conversations based on personal preference, ideologies, or religions. Misinformation can be dangerous to our growing and developing generation of youth, which is why we solemnly desire it’s limitation and removal when necessary. Instances of our action plans against the dangers of misinformational spread include, but may not limited to:

  • Well-developed Staff Team; our individualistic staff team is able to purge conversations, comments, and remarks that may not promote positivity, additionally, our staff team engages with our community fairly heavily to ensure complete cross-positivity
  • In-game phrase detection and purge; to accommodate and address modernized phrases that may consistently update due to social normalities and trends
  • Heavily guided and consistent regulations and/or guidelines used to interpret and classify each regard as appropriate, logical, and positively informative
  • An amazing community of logical and sensible young people to individually decided and interpret information through years of educational practices
  • Many, many additional action plans against the disruptive behavior of trollers, miscommunicators, negative influencers/influences, and much more.


We evaluate every phrase, comment, and piece of content shared throughout our services through manual moderational practices. Our focus on directly evaluating each content shared allows for consistency and logical reason through the purge or limitation of information, comments, and ideologies. We promote a sense of correctness and plausibility within content shared and take action against those that don’t comply with regulations. Instances of our action plans to establish a stable platform for content evaluation include, but may not be limited to:

  • Well-developed Staff Team; our individualistic staff team is able to purge conversations, comments, and remarks that may not promote positivity, additionally, our staff team engages with our community
  • An amazing community of logical and sensible young people to individually decided and interpret information through years of educational practices
  • In-game phrase detection and purge; to accommodate and address modernized phrases that may consistently update due to social normalities and trends
  • Community phrase-blacklist; editable from in-game administration panel to ensure phrases are actively up to date at all times
  • Private-sourced LGBTQ Roblox Bot; allowing for the reduction and limitation of comments via the LGBTQ group wall, including a message blacklist, player blacklist, and upcoming ban-list
  • Private-sourced LGBTQ Discord Bot; allowing for moderational practices within the LGBTQ Discord server, alongside the ability to create a message blacklist
  • Safety-focused Administrative Team; with your online safety being that of our top priority, we ensure that our administrative team is trained on the modern resolutions and issues that revolve around the online Roblox metaverse, which allows for always changing moderational efforts to meet community and P.R.I.D.E. standards.
  • Many, many additional action plans against the disruptive behavior of trollers, miscommunicators, negative influencers/influences, and much more.

Section 3, P.R.I.D.E. Initiation

LGBTQ’s P.R.I.D.E. Standards set the basis for ethical, positive, and educational framework and stability for our group’s missions, productivity, community, and mindset. By devoting our ideals to initiating and ensuring the safety and perseverance of our community, we hope to start a revolution against disrespect, abuse, ignorance, and discommunity throughout the Roblox platform, Discord platform, and any other service we dedicate our missions to. Through the execution of our previously listed practices and systematic measures to ensure protection, respect, positivity, the limitation of misinformation, and strong ethical evaluation are all met consistently, correctly, and justifiably.

Section 4, Our Commitment

Our commitment to providing our community with a strong platform of moderation and ethical protection is everlasting and more importantly, our primary focus. The safety and protection of the LGBTQ youth is our genuine priority, due to the impact that we’re able to make towards developing minds of the future. It’s difficult to change the minds of individuals who have a developed sense of the LGBTQ community, whether they’re positive or negative about its presence. Although, young people are more easily convinced and are more easily guidable towards corrective measures and ethical ideologies. By getting a stronger grasp of today’s youth, we’re able to shape the minds of future generations into well-rounded and adversely accepting individuals.

:bird:Social Links

LGBTQ’s Roblox Group
LGBTQ’s Official Twitter Page
LGBTQ’s Official Information Board
LGBTQ’s Official Communications Server - Join via the following invitational code, JGY8g8dNch.

NOTE: This informative board is subject to editing and reformatting as new boards, information, and topics are created or edited. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Last Updated: May 7th, at 4:16 PM EST

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