Light Beam limits?

So, as you can see in this video, the beams work, but they keep blocking off, turning invisible, not visible to see, I am trying to understand if this is a Roblox limitation of some sort. I’m expecting to use a ton more beams but I kind of can’t due to this minor issue. If anyone knows anything about it please let me know.


  • Voxel lighting (others lights used but no difference)
  • Windows 10
  • Up-to-date Roblox studio
  • Team create on or off (no difference)

Forgive me for my ignorance, I have not been around much recently.
Are there light beam objects now?

I used to use partcile emitters.

Yeah, I think Roblox unfortunately has put a limit on trails & beams. Trails will cut out periodically for me even on highest settings during firefights (my game used to use them for tracers until I seen how awful they were with flashing only after 40 bullets were flying around.)

I don’t really know if any workarounds to this, other than to use a SurfaceGUI on a flat transparent part and CFrame that instead.

What quality level are you using in the video?
I believe a low quality level may significantly restrain beams’ appearances.

This is how the lights work atm (picture)

That is basically all of the main functions and setup.
Although the particle emitter is nice, but trying to keep it to the beam effect.

The quality level to the video is HD but I am not using any kind of Roblox recorder, this is purely recorded from Stream labs OBS as if it is on or off, the situations stays the same.

I meant quality level inside Studio :tongue:
You can check it in Settings→Rendering→EditQualityLevel, it ranges from 1-21, 1 being 1 and 21 being 10 if you compare it to in-game settings.

There is a hard cap on how many Beams and Trails (combined) can be updated per renderstep, and updating too many can cause some to disappear. IIRC it was 64 on desktop and 16 on mobile when I made a ring of spotlights like that, but I haven’t tested this in over a year.

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Oooh. Well it was set to automatic but I set it to full atm. Nothing really changes sadly.