Light projection for flashlights

So most flashlights are plain, what we’re going to accomplish is a flashlight projection like this:

Scroll to the bottom for the uncopylocked game with the flashlight and read it carefully
To do this it’s pretty simple, this uses Future technology and only uses 3 parts.

If you take a look at the image above you can see 3 objects, follow the steps below to create this projection:

  • A cylinder with a spot light facing left which makes the ring
  • A cylinder bigger than both parts to form the shadow of the ring
  • A rectangular part in front of both parts to act as the middle light projection

SpotLight outside:

SpotLight inside:

Final Product:

You can get a copy of a modified flashlight from Emmet [here] (Flashlight - Roblox) by copying the game and copying the flashlight in StarterPack (The light appears blocky at first because it hasn’t loaded yet, give it a minute or so to load)
This will be edited throughout my horror adventure


Appreciate the resource! This is a funky little trick with lighting, but it makes for a great effect without having to put so much thought into accomplishing it. This will definitely help when it comes to making games involving flashlights, especially atmospheric horror games.


Honestly I’m truly impressed very nice thinking for this good job!

Kinda “turns off” if you lower the graphics but unless youre playing on a potato this shouldnt be an issue, great assets and Im def going to use it


Dang, I’ve been looking all over for this, and you just release it like its nothing :sob:


Is there a way to change the shape of the flash? ive played around with it but I cant find a way

How do you make the cover part invisible while it casts a shadow??