Lighting effects not working

I have had this problem for about a few days. I just got promoted to member and I want some help with it.

Anyways, whenever I add an effect besides BlurEffect, it doesn’t seem to affect my game lighting. I’ve tried with DepthOfField, Sunrays and ColorCorrection; none seem to be working with me. Only BlurEffect seems to actually do it’s job.

I’ve tried disabling and enabling the effects and it didn’t work. I restarted Roblox Studio, it didn’t work.

Any help would be great!

Also, my shadows aren’t working.


I don’t think all lighting effects is supported by default. Perhaps try changing your quality level in Rendering to 17 or above? To find this settings go to File > Rendering > Performance. Otherwise, try changing the graphics mode to Automatic.


My graphics were already on automatic, and my quality level was on 01, so I put it up to 21, and nothing changed. @Xx_FROSTBITExX

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You’ve tried restarting Studio after these changes? Hmm, could be a bug.

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That didn’t work either. Yeah, it could be a bug.

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Sometimes these things aren’t very noticeable, they only make small differences.

Make sure all of these are in lighting, make sure everything (lighting, workspace, camera, the model,) are all enabled.
Also the shadows, go into properties under lighting, and turn on GlobalShadows.

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GlobalShadows is already on, and I don’t the light effect shows a small difference. The tutorial I’m watching off of doesn’t look like it makes a small difference.

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OH… your using a tutorial, that makes this a lot more clearer.
The tutorial may be out of date (like the settings on lighting changed).
Make sure you’re selecting the right things, etc.
Small details.

my quality level was on 01, so I put it up to 21

That may be a glitch on your hand, it would make a difference.

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Well, about the the quality level, changing it up to 21 does make a difference, but not with the effects.

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Also, tutorial is 2 months old.

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That bug happenss to me too and its too annoying.




In order for it to work, you must configure the appearance and any other settings of the lighting, then configure the state of the Effects you added. Also make sure you have the “Sky” placed in the Lighting.

Can I use the default sky? And also I’ve tried that.

Mhm, Can you show me your current Lighting Settings and the settings of the effects you added?

Also, if you place the “Sky” into the Lighting, it will still be the default, unless you want to change the sky


Screen Shot 2020-10-28 at 4.16.06 pm


First of all, try changing the Ambients including the outdoor one.

Change the colourshifts

Change the Environment Diffuse Scale and Specular Scale to 1

Then, also try thisAns

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this is happening to me too was just about to make a post about it… whats happening

the effects seem not to work when testing also if you go check in lighting all effects are removed somtimes ima try inserting effects through a script

edit: it added the effect but still didnt work

I had this same problem (that’s how I found this post), I ended up fixing it by going into studio’s rendering settings (File → Settings → Rendering) and changing the Graphics Mode from “Direct3D9” to “Direct3D11” and then restarting studio. Hope this helps :slight_smile:

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I know this post is very old, but if i get a new computer i will be trying to do it again! Please respond if you know if it’s working!