LightUp! The perfect plugin to fix your lighting

Thank you, this will be very useful, keep up the good work!

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I never actually noticed the lightbugs (somehow I missed those when looking through this post a while ago) but I absolutely love them they look amazing! I’ll probably end up getting this plugin somewhere (hopefully in the near future for when I wanna work on another showcase) and I really love how it’s looking so far. So yeah great work

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Bought this, I don’t regret it much. Nice job!

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Thx! I’m glad you like my plugin!

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Also, for some reason Volumetric Fog doesn’t work. What am I supposed to do after pressing Compute VF?

You need to press Bake Lightning first, then click Compute VF. Also volumetric fogs work only in large spaces.

How large does it need to be?

Would this be considered small?

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Yes, this is sadly considered small.

This is what I mean as a large space.

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(this is a very big amount of grass)
Literally no difference.

Fixed. Needed to add light bugs.

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  1. Press Bake Lightning
  2. Press Compute VF

Is that a pointlight? It may not work with that. Try out a spotlight.

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Its a surface light. Anyways, its fixed.

I might buy robux just to buy this


Plz, dowload the post, the images do not load


Hey, I bought your plugin and doesn’t do anything.
The only option that works is Lightbulbs.

How does it work?


I Know this plugin is a bit old, but Im still using it. I don’t get a few options on the plugin menu though, what is “Compute Volumetric Fogs” and how do I use it? What’s the purpose of it? Same with lightbugs.

Hello , I’m thinking about to buy this plugin cause it seems very good , but I need answers about what does it exactly do with lights , cause u wrote about the Rey that it uses to manage the light behavior, but what about the light technology? does it change the game light tech to futuristic or it keeps the in use tech ? and what about the mobile devices ? does this plugin work also on mobile and console or it only works with computer ? and the last question is about the weight of this plugin and how it interact with the client/server. Thank u

I got this plugin for 100 robux and I can’t get it to just bake lighting on just one light, it keeps doing my whole game which takes ages and doesn’t look good. I select the model but it does my whole game anyway. Is there a way to fix this or is the plugin broken? Also, I can’t figure out what lightbugs do either, they only add a folder called lightbugs under the model.

It will always render everything, but the lightbugs are what they are called. When you select a parr with a light source and then click add lightbugs it will make tiny light spheres. See it as tiny fireflies. I dont think you can only render one part, sadly.

Earlier in the post Xsticcy said that it will only bake lights under a model if you click on a model beforehand though? It just doesn’t seem to be working for me

By looking at the code, it simply is not a feature as the plugin goes through every instance in the workspace. If you need this feature you can always go into the code yourself and add it, it is very simple to do. (If you need help let me know, I’ve already done this with the modified version of LightUp I use)