Linear velocity doesn't have any effect

Linear velocities have always been finicky to me, I’m not sure if it’s just user error or what lol
I have a lin velocity inside a part but it doesn’t seem to work.

I set the max force to inf and messed with the vector velocity values but nothing seems to do anything. I’ve also messed with the part’s properties (collision, mass, anchored, etc) but it was to no avail. Any idea what’s causing this? Thank you in advanced ^^

Can you show a screenshot of your linear velocity’s properties?

ignore the activate windows screen :skull:

You need to add an attachment inside the part and have the Attachment0 property be the aforementioned attachment.

still nothing unfortunately

Is your part unanchored as well? Part constraints like LinearVelocity can’t affect anchored parts


It looks like I had a init script that anchored the part, whoops

Thanks for the help lol

One more thing, is there a way to move an anchored part in a similar fashion? Other than something like tweening ofc

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No. Every single body mover/part constraint can not work with anchored parts.

If you have a model and you want all the parts to stay in place but have them be moved without the use of TweenService, you could weld the parts together.


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