List of great Anti-Viruses

Every developer that uses Free Models from the Toolbox has probably seen an virus ruin their game’s experience.

That’s why I listed some recommended plugins.

1. GameGuard Anti-Virus

UPDATE 08/16/23: GameGuard is no longer free, and now costs 160 robux! However, the plugin is worth the robux, definitely recommended!

Get it now


@deluc_t’s GameGuard Anti Virus is an amazing antivirus detecting backdoors, viruses, and malicious scripts in your whole game. With the new UI, speed, and features, you can remove viruses from your game easily, and you cant not get this FREE plugin.

This plugin has been tested on more than 50 backdoor modules and detected all of them. Please note that…

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2. Server Defender

Get it for free here!


These are some amazing features @Madpoint83’s Server Defender has that makes you want to use Server Defender!

Advanced Virus Detection (Read detection for more information),

Multiple Languages supported (Read Supported

Languages for more information),

Full control over removed objects,

Team-Create supported,

Dark and Light Studio Theme support,

Customizable settings,

Background scans,

Warning for malicious models and plugins,

Warning for obfuscated scripts,

Warning for large scripts,

No lag while scanning,


All Services scanned (Yes, even services you’ve never heard of before!)

More Information…

3. Common Sense

No, this isn’t a plugin. You are the plugin.

When using free models from the Toolbox, analyze all scripts for viruses. Don’t get botted models at all times. It’s best to use models with those badges on them.


Oops, I accidentally published it too early.

Also, you can recommend others more plugins that isn’t on the list down below.

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The best antivirus is common sense in my opinion.