List of roblox servers with DDoS protection (udmux enabled)

It’s just based off my experience tbh, for the most part ddosers cannot hit servers with these ip addresses or can only create a small lag spike that lasts for less than a second, any youtube videos showcasing ddos tools avoids mentioning any of these server, pinging the ip address doesn’t work either, guess we’ll never really know what goes on with the server since it would defeats the purpose

and im pretty certain at one point, like any security measures, will be bypassed

(or this whole thing could have just been unintentional)

You should consider updating this.

Roblox recently added udmux to UK servers, Well as far as i’m aware they haven’t really added it but instead they added Paris’s protection to British servers, when I joined a game with the region London for example and that I looked into the network the end of the UK server’s IP had .33

PSA : Games are still at risk of getting ddosed even with udmux.

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and is almost every other server (except japan and DC for now), problem is, people has found a bypass and came back to ddosing, and developer afaik can do nothing about it except locking the server list behind a wall through reserved servers

The bypass has been up for years now, I mean nothing is protectable nowdays am i not right? but one thing for sure is the packets sent are LESS huge and it can sometimes freeze 2 seconds then go back to normal which is kinda formidable compared to a full crash…

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who do i have to sacrifice to get roblox to build UK servers so i can get less than 200ms ping :pray:

(disclaimer: I do not know what I am doing but according to a traceroute i’m bouncing through hull, manchester, slough, london, paris & frankfurt)


How can I do that? Anyone can help me?

you have to use a VPN, or travel to that city haha