Lobby for my round-based Game

This thread is a continuation of another thread I made, which can be found here.

As of right now, the lobby is essentially complete. I went for an “ancient heavenly ruins” aesthetic mixed with a floating island design.

I honestly think this is pretty good for like 2 years of actual building experience. The shop could seem out-of-place for some people, though I had no idea how I was going to make a shop in the style I was trying to go for, so unfortunately I had to do it, though I tried my best within the limitations of my abilities to do it.


This Lobby is very unique and creative. Its a 10/10 for me. Maybe add a part with a little water slide and pond? That would look awesome!

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thanks for the feedback. I really have no idea how I would go about making the pond, not to mention I’m pretty inexperienced with making it altogether. But thank you!

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