My lobby so far for a Round-Based game I'm working on


I made this in a few days, with breaks in between.
The lighting looks a bit iffy, and its definitely not the final product


I love the chains you have connecting to both islands! :heart_eyes:
Although, the grass on the islands seem just like a square. Try resizing the edges of that grass to make it look more natural!

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thank you for the feedback

the islands looking like a square was intentional, it was to look something like the green hill zone from sonic

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I agree with @PinnieRBX with the chains, and how they are connecting the islands! That part looks amazing!
My only suggestion is:

  • Once again, I agree with @PinnieRBX, I think that you should make the grass into one block, instead of the texture look.

But other then that, I think it looks great! Also, what game will this be for? (Its fine if you don’t tell us to keep it a secret)


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thank you

i’ll try changing the grass into a single block instead of the checkboard pattern, though i find it looking like normal grass to look sort of plain and uninteresting

and its for a game based off of stuff like Skywars and Plates of Fate

Would recommend to add some trees here and there. Maybe even some rocks.

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its not finished, im implementing each island before adding the props in

Oh, ok. I thought you forgot to add those.

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Now looking at it, and comparing it to plain grass, I think that you should stick with it! So, I’m gonna change my suggestion to maybe you should make the colors of the checkerdboard a little darker. But other than that, I think it looks amazing! It also kinda looks like its from the movie “Avatar”

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You can always create your own graphic and slap it on top of the grass and adjust the ImageTransparency of it. Now only will it save you on brick count, but I also think it’s great to have a game that isn’t like most games and have it be your own, in your style.

Just make sure you’re not trying to clash a style against another different style, because that’s often the battle builders have to deal with when they’re building something.

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I like the entire design, maybe add like grass or bushes to the islands but yes its good. I don’t know what type of game but as long its meant for it then its good enough.