Hello, I want a local script connected to a webhook, but i believe this is quite hard. Ive looked into it and some said its not possible, and some said to use a proxy. I know u shouldn’t do requests via local scripts, but i just wanna know? Can someone tell me if theres any way, thanks!
Edit: I just saw it says it’s been banned on Discord’s end, I was not aware that happened. It seems a proxy would be the only way to work around this as the request would no longer be coming from a Roblox UserAgent. I have not tested this tutorial out myself, but there seems to be plenty of other resources on the devforum such as this.
yea, using the default discord webhook api from roblox doesnt work which is why people recommend using a proxy instead.
there are some good ones out there, ive heard that https://webhook.lewisakura.moe/ is a good option and ive used this one in the past.
keep in mind that these are hosted by other people so they could be malicious, so dont use it for things such as announcements in your server
if you DO want to use it for important things, the best option is to host it yourself. there are many tutorials on how to do this, such as this one.
to use the proxy in your games, you can follow this tutorial and change https://discordapp.com/api/webhooks/
to whatever proxy you are using
good luck!
Discord unbanned webhook requests for a little bit, but they seem to be banned again. You could use one of the proxies the others suggested or you could make your own.
It’s also important to note that you physically can’t make http requests on the client, not just that it’s not recommended. You’ll need to have the server send the request.
you cant even do requests through local scripts… as Local Script Discord Webhook - #3 by VexorgIRL mentioned thats the way.