Simple Discord Webhook Proxy - Easily host your own Free Webhook Proxy in 1-click! [Open-Source]

:globe_with_meridians: Easily host your own Discord Webhook Proxy

Hello all,

I recently saw that @lewisakura’s public proxy was experiencing load/request handling issues so I made a simple version that can easily be deployed in one-click!

This Simple Discord Webhook Proxy is the perfect solution for Roblox developers and anyone working with Discord webhooks. Seamlessly send webhooks through Vercel’s global network with just a minor URL tweak.

:zap: Key Features:

  • :bulb: Easy to Integrate:
    Just replace with your Vercel domain in the webhook URL. No complicated setup needed!

  • :earth_africa: Globally Distributed:
    Powered by Vercel, enjoy high availability and super low latency no matter where your requests come from. Built on TypeScript.

  • :shield: ToS Compliant:
    Fully complies with Discord’s terms of service, handling rate limits and enforcing anti-abuse measures automatically.

  • :hourglass_flowing_sand: Ratelimit Handling:
    Automatically queue requests with POST /api/webhooks/:id/:token/queue, ensuring smooth operation under Discord’s rate limits.

:video_game: How It Works:

  1. Enter your Discord Webhook URL – Paste in the webhook URL you get from Discord.
  2. Get Your Proxy URL – The proxy service will replace with your Vercel domain.
  3. Copy & Paste – Simply click “Copy” and use the new URL in your app!
  4. (Optional) – test an API response by visiting your


:rocket: Deploy Your Own Proxy!

Ready to get started? Deploy your own version of this webhook proxy for free in a few clicks on Vercel:

Deploy on Vercel

:link: Explore the Source Code

Want to see how it works under the hood or run a local version? Check out the source code on GitHub:

View on GitHub


:heart: Inspired by @lewisakura’s Webhook Proxy

Production Build Status:

example workflow

Contributors welcome, and always open to any feedback.


Woops, the current version does not include the /queue endpoint! I will add this back as soon as I can


yo this is awesome, thanks!!!


This is an awesome resource! I had been using lewisakura’s webhook proxy before and was considering creating my own, but you’ve done that for me!


Have you had a chance to add this?

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I’m trying to use this, but it’s causing an error for some reason. I’m requiring the module I’m using for this through a serverscript in serverscriptservice. Is there something I’m doing wrong with the json formatting itself?
When I try to use the Proxima proxy, it sends the embed to discord without issue, but the idea of hosting my own private proxy with seems sounds better to me than using a public one, so I was wondering if there’s anything i can do to fix this?

EDIT: i fixed it somehow, i kinda just tried using different data templates i got from devforum posts (for the embed data) until i successfully modified one and it worked

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Have you tried POSTing data and not finalData?

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Hi, unfortunately I have not added back this feature yet.


I’m experiencing this same exact issue
also I tried the solution StarVSK mentioned and that didn’t work

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Hello I think i fixed a issue with how you where handling embeds i am still testing but i will

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put in a pull request Link to it


Thanks for fixing this! Merged in. I appreciate it

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also added better logging you can see why it errors and also when its sent

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Thank you for this fix! Works great after adding it.

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this looks great but when i try to use it, it just gives me a 401 error/405 error

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cool but i’m getting error 401 everytime I try and use it

these aren’t error codes that this has?

Amazing, can’t wait for the queue endpoint to be added!

would there be a more proper way of explaining how to implement it then, since i have the website up perfectly fine, but it always just runs the 2 aforementioned error codes

Any way to implement ?wait support? I edit messages a lot.