Local Server in another countrys

As a Roblox developer, it is currently too hard to develop a game especially for a X country without local servers.

Actully I have big servers of 100 people exclusivly used for brazilians and it causes a LOT of lag, there are only a baseplate in game and it still laggy.

We currently affor too much lag to play any game outside USA or any country without local server.

Today, the Brazil is the 3rd country that most acces ROBLOX and it is affecting all games in all servers!

We really need local servers! Give us an answer, are you guys planning to do it? Is it going happen?


There… already are local servers? Not sure if Roblox has put them in South America yet though.

There are no servers in south america!


There are servers out there in the world but they don’t really cover the areas of which players come at all too well. Hopefully we see more servers around the world in new locations!