Localized Game Icons and Thumbnails

Yes! Now we can write words comfortably on out logos without worrying about the ones who can interpret them! I really love how Roblox is continuing to cater to their international audience!

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This is a really cool and useful thing to add, now people can understand the games more which is nice, more localisation is great.

Nice work whoever did this.


Manage Translations


.GIF has been added to the supported file list, does that mean Animated icons will be possible or it’s meant to be the static types gifs ? i would be able to produce looping ones under 4MB just fine.


Oh alright that’s good to know. Thanks for replying!

Not sure, it could be animated icons when you hover over it, as that would make sense. But it depends how things go.


Great future, will defiantly be using in the future!

Would be so cool if we can expand this feature in the future to be able to adjust the icon (and other things) the be more personalized for a user, such as gender and age.


Good catch, this is a copy error and we are fixing it now.

Create > Configure Localization > Manage Translations


Great update!

Are there plans in the future to localize game update notifications? I feel like this would increase the usage of game update notifications a lot by developers as only being able to send notifications in one language is a big weakness of the current system.


I eagerly await for the people who will mess up and accidentally say something the complete opposite of their game’s name in the icon before I use this.

I’m assuming all languages that don’t have that little asterisk in the languages tab are available?

Side question: I’m aware that in the past (at least a year or two ago) if you had typing effects for UIs then it only translated it once the effect was complete. Is there a way to check what language the person has set their client to, or is that information not accessible by developers?

This is a great new feature! I’m sure it will come in handy for all games!

This announcement is not related to in-game localization. But yes, there are API members for grabbing translated strings in-game from the (cloud) localization tables, you should find the relevant articles on the Developer Hub about that (off-topic here).


Can we expect to see thumbnail localization to? it would be very helpful because there is often more then one thumbnail for games and text is often on thumbnails.

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This feature will be beneficial when making badges and gamepass icons

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Oh the possibilities that have opened up in an upcoming project of mine thanks to this :smirk:


This is great not only for language, but also for making different icons for different countries (I know some movies do this). Hopefully we get this for gamepass icons soon.

if you had typing effects for UIs then it only translated it once the effect was complete. Is there a way to check what language the person has set their client to, or is that information not accessible by developers?

That’s still the case today, but you can fix this with a few lines of code to translate the text before you animate it. You can find an example of how to do this at https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/articles/animating-text


This is one of the changes where I always question myself, why am I not adding translations to my games or games that I work for. This is a feature that everyone waited on for a long time, the next big step for us Developers would be that we can upload translated thumbnails or gamepass-/badge icons. For now I will just upload blank gamepass icons and slap a TextLabel above them for the translation effect. But keep up the good work!

You can localise in more than those 9 languages, how would moderation ensure icons are appropriate in the unsupported languages?


@superhudhayfa More specifically to above replies: You can do this through scripting. https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/articles/utilizing-localization-apis