To add on to former points one person makes a display name post and two more pop up. God, can’t people think of ideas?
This is the one thing I absolutely hate about development discussion. People never look at previous posts ever, and just repost the same stuff over and over again. Yesterday people were spamming about “Roblox is removing Badges!!111!???” Even after an answer was officialy posted. I honestly think there should be a blacklist for certain repeated words in a post title. (Depending on the context of course)
Yeah. I think people want to post to it but they don’t seem to post to the actual thread-they just add on a what do you think.
I remember this one topic about a dude who asked “How does meth impact your development experience?”.
Took a full day to close that topic down.
Vandalism and just off-topic posts happens a lot. 90% of my flags are dedicated to discussion threads. Literally all of my recent (accepted) flags are related to a discussion thread.
However, locking it completely isn’t a good idea in my opinion (it would just move trash). I would rather want to see “create topic” requirements.
Replies don’t have a lot of possible harm, but topics have. Topics get on the front page and somehow inappropriate topics get a lot of activity (thanks everyone who engages in that ). Henceforth, we need more restrictions before being able to create a discussion topic (or maybe making topics altogether).
I am thinking of a system like having to contribute 30 posts or such before creating a topic yourself. Once the minimum is reached, wait 2 days before granting the promotion (as 48 hours is the average flag response time).
This creates the following ideal promotion order:
- Read the DevForum actively to be able to reply;
- Contribute to the DevForum actively to be able to create topics;
- After a lot of appreciated contributions (using content:like ratio for example), you can finally post bug reports & feature requests.
I like your idea, however, I think it should be based on moderation history instead of posts contributed since someone could easily create low-quality posts and easily get to the 30 minimum required posts.
Regardless of that, the best thing we can do as contributors is to flag any rule-violating posts that come up. Also, make sure to avoid replying to or liking any off-topic or inappropriate topic as you are not only bumping it higher on the topics page, but you are also (especially if this is a troll post) giving the original poster attention - the whole reason why that user posted the violating topic in the first place.
when i made this last year the forums was being raided by some dude posting offensive stuff
The date doesn’t mean that everything made on that day isn’t serious anymore. You’re on this forum since 14 October, but this issue exists for years.
You probably haven’t seen many rule-breaking topics, because the community uses their “flag”-button well and the DevEngagementTeam takes down rule-breaking content.
To give you an example of the big issue with the Discussion category, it’s being filled with topics like these:
This got me thinking… what if creating discussion threads would be disabled for 7-14 days once a topic got taken down? This allows people unintentionally breaking rules to learn what topics are accepted and what topics aren’t.
Let’s just be honest, if #development-discussion was to be locked, all of these off-topic posts will likely end up moving to a worse place (#help-and-feedback )
The problem is, Developer Discussion is currently ambiguous. People post there because they think it’s appropriate. #help-and-feedback would be obviously off-topic, and that gets taken down earlier (as more community members know that it’s rule-breaking).
If you’re talking about troll posts, quite a few of them happen in Help and Feedback.
It’s actually worse if a troll post (especially if it’s inappropriate) ends up in Help and Feedback or some other public category, not only because it’s accessible to the public, but it also sets a bad precedent of the forum for new users.
Now, to get back on-topic, we should come up with some methods to keep Development Discussion under control during the current absence of post approval. I personally think users who repeatedly abuse the category and post nonsense on there should get the category revoked from them, of course with a warning before such action is carried out. If this is done, mature developers who make contributive responses can happily have access to the category. Completely removing the category from everyone or making it regular only is counterproductive, since there are valuable and important resources in that category for developers who want it.
If anyone has any other ideas on how to regulate Development Discussion, please share them; I’d like to see other developers’ thoughts and opinions on this issue.
locking it is too much but i think removing repetitive posts is a good idea. people need to stop posting about rthro, voice chat, voice chat verification and nfts.
The problem with locking Development Discussion is that you close the most accessible and friendly method of engaging with the development community. Sure, there are some posts that categorise as spam, but that doesn’t mean you should close the entire Development Discussion tab because of it.
There are inspirational and legitimate discussions that go on, and it would be a waste to take all of that down.
Throughout the replies, it became more of an idea to limit access with additional criteria for starting a developer discussion topic. Locking is indeed unfortunate for the ~40% complying topics.
Otherwise, heavy sanctions should be added for rule-breaking topics. If an user makes an out-of-scope topic for the second time, assign a strike (1/3).
This is fairly harsh considering the fact that the rules of the category are intentionally vague. Sometimes it’s not 100% clear whether or not something is on or off topic until you post it. What then would happen is forum members would be less likely to post anything fearing excessive disciplinary actions.
No, that’s actually not true. There have been times that staff members have posted in different categories besides the Updates category.
“What are you currently working on in 2021?” made by Roblox is in #help-and-feedback:creations-feedback.
Discussion relating to developer discussion of changing the Devforum name to the creator forum two years ago that failed.
Lots of others too
And Talent Hub hate posts along with Bring back the Collaboration Category posts…
You have noooo idea. You think that’s a troll post?
Take a look at this.
The “topic” above was up for an hour because it was posted during the outage. For some reason, the Forum Moderators weren’t available at the time.
During the outage, flags were accepted but no action have been taken. They started to take action after the outage. The outage resulted me to break my high score of daily flags
Then the only other proper option would be to apply criteria on creating developer discussion topics. Post Approval wouldn’t be possible due to the scale of contributions and locking it completely will just move the concern to other categories.
I don’t think there is a set criteria as to what is “development discussion” (also likely why the rules are vague) because what qualifies as development discussion is constantly shifting depending on current events, etc.
Personally, I don’t think anything needs to change. The amount of off-topic threads is tolerable and are normally removed relatively quickly. The risk of having one or two off-topic threads slip through from time to time is much smaller than the risk of driving away new members and existing members from contributing to discussions entirely with any changes (such as stricter criteria / punishments or locking the category).