Login "An unexpected error occurred" after completing 20 puzzles successfully

Having to solve 20 puzzles is extremely ridiculous but it also errors after it completes and doesn’t allow me to login.

It takes around 3-4 minutes to do all 20, and if you do make a mistake it will just default to saying you failed to complete the puzzles, but not until you finish solving the remainder.

Even if you do complete them it will just throw a lovely error after saying you completed the captcha.



I have cleared browsing history, cookies, etc etc. I have also attempted to login several times, and have been met with the same error every time after completing all 20.

Expected behavior

You shouldn’t have to solve 20 puzzles to login to begin with but it definitely should not error after completing all 20 successfully with an undescriptive error message.

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This has been a recurrant issue over the years. Do you have a VPN on by chance?

No I do not have a VPN on, but I will try disabling my extensions to see if that changes anything real quick.

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Alright. If you’re using some sort of privacy browser you might have a built in VPN as well, so just make sure none of this is enabled and let me know the outcome.

Also, Roblox is definitely aware of this issue and has rolled out the feature below to many users (including myself) that removes these captchas entirely:
Not sure if you’ve heard about it, but looks realllyy cool.

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I am unsure if this because of this but disabling my extensions seems to have worked. Nonetheless having to solve 20 puzzles at 3 different times in the past hour was not fun lol.

Also I was not aware that this was a known issue, thank you for pointing it out.

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