Usernames that have letters that take up a lot of space, such as those spammed with W and M, can overlap the UI if filled completely to 20 charcters.
Usernames that were created via a 2011 mobile bug can have 20+ characters, which make the overlapping worse.
Example with 20 characters and overlaps:
Example with over 20 characters and overlaps:
Example with 20 characters and the name in the top right and on the leaderboard exceeds the text area:
You can see in the 20 character case it still overlaps with UI. It should truncate or resize when it becomes too long for the rest of the UI. Otherwise the UI padding should be changed to accommodate 20 character usernames comprised of larger-width characters.
If you’d like to see for yourself, create a new account with a username comprised of all lowercase m’s and w’s, then go into a game with the default roblox leaderboard and CoreGui enabled. Should look as it does in the screenshots.