Did you guys improve the down scaling cause all videos to 720p is crazy
I actually created my own module that just buffers images which surprisingly has better quality then videos, doesn’t make much sense
yes roblox i will be spending my life savings to upload a minute long video
the only bad thing is the price, but apart from that, yay
That’s awesome, got it! But is the resolution also determined by the size the video occupies on the screen? For example, if the asset appears small in the field of view (only taking up, say, 100x100 pixels of the player’s view), will the video automatically resize, or does it always load at the highest resolution within the memory constraints?
For example, I’d want to constrain the video size since features like the Mesh API or Image API will simply fail when the memory threshold is reached. And since there’s no way to manually unload and free memory on the client, it would be difficult to keep that threshold under control especially when considering optimization. I’ve also seen Roblox strongly recommend optimizing for mobile devices with just 2GB of RAM and im worried for my videos to not take a big part of it.
Still won’t be paying for this. Never in my life would I pay to be able to develop my own game. “You wish to have an animated video in your game? Sorry, that costs money!” Imagine if Unity, Unreal, or GoDot did that bwahaha
wait, they have to be 13+ AND ID verified?
why dont you just force underage people into not being able to verify with an ID?
Not useful for me. i wont sell my liver just to get 1000 robux for an video. too expensive in argentina.
i will stick to the old method of spritesheets
come on 2 thousand robux for a video? what if im just testing it out
Can we locally import videos via a temporary ID so we can test them for free in studio??
I know it’s a lot to moderate but I still think it’s ridiculous the requirements just to upload a relatively short video with large limitations.
Costs a large amount of cash, requires ID verification which a LOT of people just don’t or can’t do, effectively locking them out of the feature entirely even if they wanted to pay for it, and then on top of all that it’s only around a minute of content per purchase with a monthly maximum???
I get it’s a lot to handle on the backend, but for the love of all that is holy, at least make the feature usable. Improve the moderation if it’s so bad that you have to force out 70% of the people who want to use this feature.
It’s almost easier to just mass upload decals on several accounts and then play them back in image labels then it is to use the ACTUAL VIDEOS in Roblox, to the point that several modules now exist for that too!
Just make them usable maaaaaaaan, no one wants to pay to upload a 15 second video while giving Roblox their personal information via ID verification.
2000 robux is way too high for this. Im paying ~20 bucks to upload a 60 (or less) second video; that is way passed not worth it
I dont know how things work behind the scenes, but Itd be nice to have an option that’d be cheaper, but takes longer for videos to go through moderation
non id verified people are just seen as some 17th century peasants or what, u think i make 700k an hour why do you devs hate us so much, a paywall and a id wall. awesome, next update: to create a single game you will have to list your entire bloodline’s personal information, be id verified, be 17+, be skilled in ancient himalayan rock licking to prevent the sudden influx of condo games
dont get me started on audio uploads, im not giving you guys the address of the house that i live in, wth.
You can upload videos as large at 750 MB. Basically incurring a “forever” cost to host that one video. Find me a cloud/server hosting service that will do that times a million files times a million devs and add on top the bandwidth cost that does not cost a fortune? I’m sure the accountants at Roblox probably already worked out the math on that and thus the main reason for the cost to upload videos instead of it being free like the images and audio. That’s my theory…
You know you have screwed up as a platform when devs/users are literally crashing out over the prerequsites for a lot of features
it cost me my wife, my firstborn, my dad, my arms, my legs, and my dignity to publish this empty baseplate to Roblox
it cost me both pluto and jupiter to create this devforum account
i dragged a sacrificial lamb to Roblox HQ to make this avatar
The paywall AND ID verification tho