I’m looking for a Weapons builder for an Upcoming game I’m calling BlockOps.
Lets get some points out:
What I’m looking for precisely
-Someone to build an M4A4, Combat Knife, Frag Grenade, Flash-bang, Airdrop canister, M1911 Pistol, FPS-Arms.
-Attachments to accompany the M4A4 (Holographic Sights, Silencer, Hybrid Sight, and Grip.)
-Attachments to accompany the M1911 Pistol (Silencer, Laser/Flashlight, and Pistol-Grade/Sized red-dot sight.)
-I’m looking for someone to build this STARTING set of weapons/attachments/props for a 2-fold reason:
1.) The actual testing of the engine will require this sample-set of weaponry/props to fully develop the engine to handle any other kind of addon (and there will be many addons)
2.) I’m looking for someone to carry this project on with me as the permanent builder under the premise that you will be working with a down-to-earth, fair, individual (me). Payment can and will be discussed if you want to stay on the project permanently.
-Currently I am the only developer working on the whole of the project
-The actual engine testing is going to begin sometime within the next week.
-Pre-Alpha of the game will release to select testers within a month, Alpha within 2 months. Optimistically Beta very shortly after Alpha.
Lastly the meat of the post. The “WHAT” is this project
-BlockOps is a ROBLOX-adapted incarnation of the Call Of Duty franchise. When I say ROBLOX-adapted I mean it.
-Boots-on-the-ground combat, with the ability to customize your Soldier, Weapon, and ability set. All of which can be elaborated on upon initial contact through skype (See bottom)
-It will be built from the ground up to be industry standard (portability to the XBox side of the ROBLOX platform, as-well as PC and Mobile. Mobile will have restricted gameplay.) Industry standard includes key features such as sociability, complete options set/menu (granted ROBLOX has graphical limitations with scriptibility).
-The game will be a functional remake of Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3, but will be graphically independent, and auditory independent, it will include NO Call of Duty franchise digital assets.
-The Games engine is already fairly built up, aside from the Networking portion, and the (getting there) FPS engine. not to bring Phantom Forces into this but it will include just about every feature PF has + more (in terms of FPS functionality, character mobility, and customization) and will be/ is designed specficially for leg room in adding alternative versions of the game (much like how COD has a Zombies portion and campaign
Preferably contact me on Skype @ r.laxgang
If you decide you would like to stay on the project permanently note the game will be hosted under the group “Bromance”, which is owned by my account “Brromance”.
Finally a little teaser for you all, as the first image to hit the forums of this expansive concept. Thank for reading guys.
EDIT: Forgot to tell you about myself.
The basics of myself is I’ve worked on countless projects as lead scripter, builder, and graphical artist, BUT i am most certainly best served as Scripter, and know almost all the API by memory. I will definitely talk more about my credentials upon contact. You can assume I know what I’m doing.
I am a perfectionist, and my resolve towards finishing and continuing development of the project is absolute.