Looking for an investor

I’ve been developing a game for the past month, it’s a sword fighting game where you make your own sword. Shoutout to @ojbaby for helping make some sound effects, thanks dude.

You can see the progress so far here:

I’m looking for an investment anywhere from 10K - 200K R$. All of the money will go towards an ad campaign. I am looking for no more than 3 investors.

Investors will be payed back proportionally to their investment. (e.g you pay me 1000 and I return 1200) Until you make your investment back, 50% of the game revenue will go towards you and the other 50% will be reinvested in ads/saved up as backup.

Shoot me a pm through the dev forum messaging system or contact my discord bradyawn#7410 to negotiate a deal.


I might consider it, but I don’t want to invest in a franchise that has under thirty members. Once you get more, I might consider investing, because overall it’s a good game from what I see.

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The community is mostly organized in discord, which has over 50 members as of now (it is steadily growing, so the numbers keep changing). What would you consider a good following?

A good following would be around 500 members. But that’s just my opinion.


By the way, I just joined the server, and you do have around 50-60 members. I would love to apply for staff but that can be somewhere else.

As Pancake1024 said, I think a good following would be at least 500 members. Once you get at least 500 members, I might consider it.

In terms of investor incentives, you are missing quite a lot in terms of returns. I do not think you effectively described how ‘investors’ will be able to make money back. The main factor you must consider is risk. You have a brand new game, new idea, and no previous successful products. Your pitch is 50% until fully returned but has a 1.2 swing. So as an investor I can only earn 20k if Im investing 100k? I am taking a huge risk for a small reward with small potential of paying out. I would recommend either:

  1. Giving 80-100% until payed out and then a 10-20% stake after full return

  2. Providing a clear plan of your monetization, ideas, and statistical analysis of why your game will succeed over the hundreds of others on ROBLOX. And furthermore, still offer a definite stake of 30-40% forever on the game.

An original and working game will never guarantee success as is and therefore you need investors and a clear pitch. A community as those described before me does not actually matter to investors. Whether its a brand new game or one with a player-base, investors look for the X factor and it should be described clearly in your pitch, either in return of investment or the general plan of your idea.

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My post was somewhat half-assed as multiple people have already contacted me about investments, and I thought it would be simpler to make deals individually instead of spilling my beans on the forum.

For the returns, the 20% return was used as an example, finer details of the deal are to be negotiated with the individual. Why would I set a fixed return before testing the waters?

For the product — the game will likely succeed. The game is proven to be fun through hours of play testing (other people’s opinions, not mine) and the monetization has already worked on a small scale.

I’m not saying there is no risk, but I’m saying that any risk that could possibly exist has been minimized. And if an investor is not willing to take the tiny bit of risk left, their loss. Investment in the first place is a tradeoff between risk and reward.

Thank you for your advice, you clearly put thought into your response.

But I will stick to my guns. If I thought 30-40% of my game was worth a few hundred bucks, I would have been more efficient working at KFC then developing this game.

I certainly do not want to argue on forums but having such a passive aggressive look with the blank statement is a completely incorrect assumption based on data on such a small scale.

Your game has 3,280 visits about, which if compared to the front page minimums, you are looking at atleast 10K active players at a time if even being hypothetical. If you want to compare monetization on such a small scale, you need to be proportionate to the population of your game, are you saying your ARPU is above 0.3 Robux? If it is, I need to see this unbelievable occurrence.

Im glad 3k or so people think its good but it has no real value when calculating statistical analysis. If you are arguing based on hours, Im sure as soon visits start trickling in the data analysis will be skewed. When more data is introduced to a statistical analysis, data falls in a clear pattern and you can create such hypothesis. Until then, never assume your success is guaranteed. Maybe and just maybe after putting 100K in ads you might get a stint on the front page but that surely does not guarantee any money back at all. If even the ARPU is 0.3 or more, you need more than a million visits to get 100,000 back and a game like yours surely does not stand a chance with that little content.
Also, it is incorrect to assume that investors are always willing to take the risk. You are the customer of the investor and therefore they will take the precautions to guarantee a return on their investment. They do calculate the tradeoff but will always take the safety net. If you assume otherwise, it is better that you work at KFC then developing a game with hopes of an investor not taking more than 30-40% cut on a not proven topic.

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If I came off as passive aggressive, that was not my intention.

And you pretty much guessed it. Not sure about users, but average robux per visit is above 0.3 robux


I do warn you however, 20 of those robux were spent by me on test purchases.

That is not how you get ARPU, provide your ROBLOX provided graph of revenue daily. As far as we know, this could be just one purchase of 1550.

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0.3 robux per visit isn’t really that great for monetization. If this post is to be believed, they were able to achieve 2 robux per visit. It might also be hard to accurately tell the robux per visit with such a low amount of visits.

On a big scale, it’s great. I might be biased as I know Lawn, but, Sworge is a great game and I don’t think it’s a coincidence.

Sworge is not a game on a large scale. The robux/visit could fluctuate wildly if it gains a lot of visits.

On the other hand, a game like Dinosaur Zoo is on a MUCH larger scale, and it is proven to maintain the 2 robux/visit.

Agreeable, but I guess we’ll come to see with time.

Interesting from what I have saw from the current gameplay. I can easily do 10k-200k R$, I make 20k R$ per day. I am just wondering, is this a Player V. Player or can you fight mobs as well? I am scared to invest in these kinds of games because they take time to grow and generate profit, unlike simulators.

Please reply,

In a multiplayer game, players are content. Wouldn’t spend 100 robux on a game no one plays, would you?

It’s more likely for this profit/visit ratio to increase as more players join, not decrease. So you are right about the game not being on a large scale. If the game were on a large scale I wouldn’t even be asking for investment.

It’s a PVP game.

I understand your concerns about the uncertainty of such games, and I agree. Games that exclusively focus on competition and fighting have the risk of scaring away new players, and if done wrong, could face extremely slow growth.

Fortunately, Sworge has been balanced so that veteran players won’t have any overwhelming advantages, and a gamemode/map voting system ensures some degree of social aspect/team work.

Additionally, the ability to customize your sword will attract players looking for a bit more depth than just clicking and slashing, and drastically improves the replayability of the game.

If you still have any questions/concerns feel free to contact me again.

@Lawnmovver this might be the investor you are looking for.