[Looking for Feedback] Granular Syntax Highlighting

can escape sequences get highlighting?


Love it! Although, don’t make names like workspace be red, I have a feeling that devs like me will just get confused about it.

The only reason I want to download vs code is for more colors but nah.

And also what is the export keyword in the code?!?!?!? Is it a new Luau feature?!

I’m sure I come across as negative all the time because I can’t get used to anything, soo here goes. This seems like overkill, especially since copy and pasting lines of code is a formatting pain. I wish that would get fixed first. It’s like appending one headache to another. Would be nice to be confident about some kind of stable workflow. Nice update. Please include an option to turn this off or modify it.

Related but unrelated, I’d like to request layout tabs for studio, so I can save and return to a formilliar layout, especially when studio crashes. I strongly dislike closing panels for plugins and dragging/ resizing windows/widgets back to the way I had it pre-crash or for different projects. How it’s related? If studio disconnects or crashes and I’ve set or adjusted Syntax highlighting, and it reverts to default. I’d be upset.

Yes, it’s used to export types from modules. Examples here: https://roblox.github.io/luau/typecheck.html

I like that it’s colored like a keyword now, it wasn’t before and it looked kinda wack

I don’t know when this got here but it’s cool.


I personally don’t like it (way too colorful) but that is to be expected from change. The color customization for new highlighting would be great.

I’m assuming this isn’t part of the beta features yet, right?

man i’d love to have this , i use JS a lot and it has highlighting so i think it’d be great to have that in roblox studio too

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It would be really sad if we lost bold keywords.

Other than that, I always like to see an increase in configurability!

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it’d be a good idea if you highlighted the function arguments as a different color

I would love to have colors on the function type arguments

This update is really cool! I liked all the colors and the making custom themes feature.


This is an absolute must! I need this in my life.

Sorry for bumping this up, I just saw this feature got released as beta. Idk how to use it though. Nothing is getting highlighted as this post shows, do I have to toggle anything?

Is there any news when this will be going live? ive seen it on the beta feature description but it seems only the script preview feature is working

Where’s the tutorial on highlighting? When I highlight a word, all of the same words are highlighted like find all, if I want to change all instances of that word, how do I do it? These threads are all over the place due to all the updates. Thanks.
