Looking for UI Designers & Scripters for Bloxys 2020

Hello Developers,

I am trying to get my group into building the next bloxy awards!

We are looking for a UI artist and a scripter!

Current team members:

Group: https://www.roblox.com/groups/4763894/Just-Entertainment

Before applying for a position in the dev team please read threw all the requirements:

Basic Requirements:

  • Comfortable with a preset design with some room for creativity
  • Hours and schedule based development
  • Comfortable with creating big builds


  • Do not apply if you only want the ‘White Banded Red Top Hat’
  • Do not apply if you are not a ‘Scripter’ or ‘UI Artist’
  • Do not apply if you do not agree with the requirements

Payrates (Guaranteed): Based on sales


Scripter position: Open!
UI Designer Position: Open!

Contact me on discord to apply! (Veesom#0898)

(PLEASE NOTE: This post does not guarantee that the group will be chosen to develop the bloxys.)


I believe you should still include back up payment just in case.

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I am not after a team who wants money, I am after a team that want to build the bloxys, payment is a curtsy of Roblox which will be split equally between the team.

Here’s the thing the about payrates, getting accepted on bloxy is not a 100% chance. and if you don’t get chosen, will you still pay or not.

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Lol so once the developers built the bloxy, if you don’t get chosen, you don’t pay them?

wow. thats nice


If we don’t get chosen, we don’t get chosen, I clearly stated that I can’t guarantee getting accepted, I also stated that payouts are from money made, You will not get paid if they don’t accept us as you will not have done any work with us.

You’re after a team that wants to dedicate their time to work on it. It’s a huge gamble and most don’t want to spend their time working on something, they might end up doing for free. Having a back up pay just in case will raise your chances of finding someone but regardless to all of that, good luck :slightly_smiling_face::+1:


I feel that this post is a bit misleading, considering your title is that you making this team “for bloxys 2020”. However, you only disclose that it’s a gamble at the end which can be misleading to many. I’d recommend renaming this to something like; “Looking for scripters and UI designers for possible bloxys development studio” rather than the current one. It makes it more accurate and less advertising like.
Hope this helps!


Whoa, whoa, whoa… Calm down. I think this is a thread for when you are hired to build the bloxys. I do not think that Roblox just picks the team who builds the best stage, I think they hire them. If you were hired, then, you should put that in your thread because one, it will attract more talents, and two it will give pre-existing talents a sense of hope that their work is going to pay off.

I see what your trying to do here, but I do not think its the best way to approach this. If you guys are a very good team, consider making a game and getting your name out there, and maybe one day Roblox will ask you to build the bloxys. Good luck on developing :+1:.

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Actually there is a application… You apply with your studio/dev team group. Though there is no guarantee that this team will be accepted. There is other talented teams that might apply too.

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Thank you for the clarification :slight_smile: , yeah never really looked into this, I just knew that you couldn’t just build one and have a chance to be selected.

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