Basically, the bullet from the gun stays on the bullet point, doesn’t go forward at all, i’ve tested the tweening for the bullets and it works with a correct Cframe, but this getting the cframe for the lookvector doesnt seem to be working.
local v3 = tool.BulletPoint.CFrame.LookVector * 100
local up =, 1, 0)
local cf = CFrame.fromMatrix(tool.BulletPoint.Position, v3, up)
ReplicatedStorage.Remotes.ShootWeapon:InvokeServer("GoldenMinigun", cf, selectedTool.Value)
It expects 4 params, you gave it 3. Omitting the 4th means it doesn’t have a Z vector to work with, and presumably it just uses in that case or some other “sensible default” (it should error, but that’s besides the point). If it uses for the Z direction of the rotation matrix, that might explain why you don’t get any movement.