Low Poly Asset Pack | Roblox

Hello developers! I have decided to take my time learning Blender for the past two days and I made these low poly assets. I would appreciate any feedback!


the log should be more detailed, so should the tree leaves

just cuz its low poly doesnt mean u cant add more detail

everything else looks pretty decent, like the mushroom alot


the models by themselves look great! but synergy is also a good factor in these asset packs
if its not too much to ask, i’d like to see a tiny environment made with some of these assets to see how they mix together


I like that you actually put textures on them instead of just making them bright solid colors that burn out my retinas :rofl:

The only thing I would change is adding white specks to the mushroom cap.


I’m curious to see what some of them would look like if autosmooth was turned on.

However, I do like the current version of the assets (and the fact that not everything is SmoothPlastic).



For a beginner Blender user, pretty decent! Shows understanding of the basic tools and stuff.

Some recommendations:
As @SubtotalAnt8185 said, autosmooth could be a good way to improve the jaggedness of some models (specifically the coin). Its pretty easy to do; shade the model smooth, and then enable ‘auto-smooth’ in the normals tab of the vertex settings (green triangle) on the bottom right.

The tree model looks a bit bland, consider adding some branch hierarchy (smaller branches as you go outwards). Even though it is low poly, some detail and realism can really help make a scene (adhere to your own style, however, when you can).
There is a great tutorial by CG Geek that explains how to make better looking trees in blender (it goes a bit fast, though).

Hope this feedback/tips helped, and good luck on your Blender journey!




for a first timer these are great!
these assets could definitely be plausibly used in a low-mid range game
keep up the good work! make sure to learn and master as many styles as you can to expand your knowledge


Is it okay if I prefer to not use autosmooth in my models? I don’t really like the look.

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Yeah, its fine, its up to personal choice in the end, just a helpful way to get rid of jaggedness in models without increasing the polygon count too much.


Updated version.


Looks good!

I’d suggest adding either a few more variations of trees, or using different tints of the same color for duplicate objects. Might add a bit of realism and/or atmosphere to the scene.

Nice progress!


I wanna add some color variation to the leafs. Since I don’t have texturing experience, would I have to have individual polygon leaves?

Edit: I’m an idiot. I can just color each leaf segment in studio. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Coloring them in studio is the best/easiest option (in my opinion), and its what I use.

Texturing the leaves individually would most likely require using something like Adobe Substance Painter, or baking a Blender-made texture to an image, and then applying that to the model, since Roblox cant directly import blender node materials.

Also, as a note, sometimes it might be helpful to create separate objects for every piece that you want to have colored, instead of having each individual object being a separate mesh, so I’d recommend combining similar meshes into one using CTRL + J (you can also separate stuff using the P key.)

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Is it okay if I prefer to not use autosmooth in my models? I don’t really like the look.

using shadeflat instead of auto smooth is usally fine for low-poly models since that’s the style but if you’re going to get into more complicated or realistic models, you’re going to have to use autosmooth to make it look good

over all the models are good for a start but some of them you could make in studio and are a little bit too basic also I don’t recommend using Roblox textures especially for low-poly builds it kind of looks stylized with the Roblox materials but the models aren’t stylized

this is probably going to be a long post, but I’ll try and give feedback on each model


for the log it’s pretty simple you could maybe add a little shape to the middle with loopcuts (which you make by pressing ctrl R while hovering over the log in edit mode) or some branches coming off of it with some simple cylinders you could also add some chips in the wood by selecting some of the vertices and pressing Shift+Ctrl+B

here’s a video showcasing everything I suggested

(the video was over to large so I couldn’t embed it directly into the post)

overall, pretty good for a log 5/10


I mean Ya its low-poly moss looks pretty good there’s a lot of variation
one thing I would recommend is add a very slight solidify modifier to the moss because in a few of the pictures the moss is floating a little on the wall

you could also use a simple deform to mold it around the wall but that’s a little more complicated and would have to be different for each wall

pretty good moss not much feedback I can give 8/10


nothing bad I can really say about it the little rim does look a little weird you might want to curve it or just scale the inner face down a little to its not a sudden drop
this is another time where you could use auto smooth on the Lilypad, and I think that would look better but that’s just my opinion

definitely a Lilypad 8/10


ok so the fence is definitely a little simple you could maybe tilt one of the connecter pieces or add some of those wood chips that i suggested you add to the log
also, I’m not too sure but it looks like you added a bevel to the top of the fence post’s?
or did you just scale down the top face

anyways its verry simple adding some variation or just some small details could help a lot 3/10


it’s a gem the only feedback I could really give is the top section is a little too high maybe flatten it a little also it doesn’t really seem to fit the theme of the asset pack



not too sure if this is a coin but since the last one was a gem, I’m guessing it is since the last model was a gem. I can’t really give much feedback since I can’t really see it, but the edges look a little hard this is another time where you can use auto smooth
it also looks like you used the Roblox metal material… please don’t use the metal material on low-poly assets it just doesn’t look good

Little Rock 1

its a low-poly rock looks great on the ground for adding some variation to the path might be a little to high out of the ground in a few places but overall good

Little Rock 2

jk I’m not going to give feedback on each rock but there all pretty good there a lot of variation and i like how you used a different number of sides for each maybe a little too many different rocks for a low-poly scene since you usally want to keep it simple
for low-poly


Big Rocks

looks good there low-poly rocks maybe sink them into the ground a little more for your forest scene



now I kind of love this one and kind of don’t
the colors are good as I like the slight bevel on the bottom the top is pretty good, I do recommend that you add a tiny bevel on the bottom of the top since it’s kind of a hard edge. also, if you haven’t already you could maybe inset the bottom face and extrude it in or something to make a little divot in the bottom also adding a dotted variant could be cool. again, I don’t like the Roblox texture on it I think smooth plastic is way better for low-poly models



it looks like you used an image for the flower… it’s definitely way better to hand model it. it can be complicated but you can also trace out an image by adding a cube pressing M and selecting at center then you will get a single vertex and you can add in an image of a flower (you might need to add the reference image addon in blender by going Edit>Preferences>Addons And Search The Import Image As Plane Addon) then change the image to any image of a flower that you can find then trace out the image with the vertex by pressing ctrl+right click on were you want the vertex to be. or you can just model a flower with subsurfs
sorry for the long explanation lol there’s a lot of tutorial’s on YouTube for how to model a flower

here’s another video showing it off the hand modelling way with subsurfs not the most low-poly way but you can also turn down the subsurfs

I would give the flower a 2/10 if the top is just an image


and finally, the tree it’s also very simple you could make most of it in studio it’s not terrible, but the leaves look kind of the same on each side. the branches look pretty good though


New Tree

I just saw the new tree its I can see your definitely going more for the stylized look hence why you are using real terrain and these trees are much more stylized it looks like you’re using the moss model which is a good use of your assets but I know I just said you shouldn’t use an image for the top of the flower BUT if you’re going for a stylized tree that’s a lot of different faces if your using the moss mesh and that’s not good for optimization so I recommend using an image for this type of tree


well, this took a long time to wright I had to go do something in the middle of making this I hope you find this helpful both the scenes look great keep practicing blender you have much potential

sincerely IT1024


Okay, I just added some color variation and random rotation to the tree model. How does it look now?

I actually modeled it, but the reason why it looks like an image is because it’s so thin.


ok maybe you could add a solidify to it or something

also could you send like a top down pic of it?

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Ignore the anime girl lool


Definitely looks better, but you can see how the ‘leaf clusters’ have been made. I dont know how you did the leaves, but the best way (at least with newer versions of Blender) to do it without the clusters is using Geometry Nodes.

I won’t go into much detail on geonodes since its a complex system, but in short to make leaves and trees, you need to create a new geo nodes group, and make a node setup that looks something like this:

Essentially, this is making a bunch of points on a mesh (the distribute points on faces node, I have it set up to only have points made on a weight map, but you can use a sphere or something, and have it encompass the entire tree since you don’t have branches). Then, it instances (duplicates) the leaf mesh (in the object info node), and applies a random scale to both of them. After this, it applies the original geometry (the tree), realizes the instances (turns them into real geometry) and then gives you the result.

To get the leaves into their own mesh, apply the geo nodes modifier, go into edit mode, seperate the object by loose parts using P, deselect the tree mesh, and continue as you wish.

At the end, the result looks something like this:

This method is a bit more complicated, but can yield better results that either using the particle system in Blender, or manual work, and also gives you more realistic results.

Up to you if you want to use this, but just wanted to show this in case you wish to.

Geometry nodes is useful for other things as well, so getting to know the basics can help in the future.

Feel free to ask any questions.