Low Poly Asset Pack | Roblox

you can also use the hair particle system and make the hair a model works pretty simalar to this

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dang yall are being so helpful right now. :sob:

@IT1024 how do you use the scroll wheel to increase/decrease the number of cuts? It’s not really working for me.


so did you press ctrl r or use the loopcut tool in the toolbar?

I used the loopcut tool from the left toolbar.

hmm interesting it only works with ctrl r

so you cant use the scroll wheel to change the number if your using the toolbar one
using ctrl+r is better for workflow and stuff

also if your using making loopcuts make sure to not make the number of cuts you want before you click since clicking will make the loopcuts real so hover your mouse over the asset in edit move and press ctrl+r then use the scrool wheel to change the amount of cuts and click to make the cuts real

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I would suggest learning the keyboard shortcuts, as not all things can be done in the toolbar. Heres some quick ones to know:

S to scale
G to grab
R to rotate
CTRL+B to bevel
K to use the knife tool
E to extrude
I to inset
ALT+E to extrude along normals (in the direction the faces are facing)
G+G to edge slide
CTRL+SHIFT+ALT+S (yes thats a ‘shortcut’) to shear
CTRL+R to loop cut
R+R to freely rotate
SHIFT+S to reset the 3-D cursor, or move it to an object (point where new objects get added)
Z to quickly change views
C to activate the circle select tool (hold click to select, mmb to deselect

there are more, but these are the ones that are used regularly


How do I delete these loop cuts?

When I press delete edges, It deletes all faces.

ive seen dissolving the vertices have good enough results for me!

Yeah, I just tried that and it worked. Are there any other ways to do this?

You can delete the edges, select one of the faces, and then press F to fill it


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Okay so I added some variation to the fence. How does it look?

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it looks a lot more lively!
ironically making things less perfect makes them more… perfect!


Yeah, it makes sense in this case because the fence is made from wood, and wood is a natural material that is never perfect. :stuck_out_tongue:


looks good maybe a little to much but depends on the style I see you used the wood chip thing I suggested
maybe add some rotation to the connectors
also the posts look a little too wobbly

but it looks a lot better

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By connectors are you talking about the vertical or horizontal beams?


here’s like an idea I made it in like 5 minutes and its not the best but just an example


here’s a less worn down one


Is there a faster way to select the horizontal parts if the entire model is joined?

omg this is a very very very very neat trick thank you very much

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so like in edit mode
you can open edit mode then press L while hovering over the part you want to select

if you added or duplicated the original part it should work but if you extruded it from the vertical pole (which I don’t know why you would) then it wont work

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I moved on to the log part and I’m having trouble making the bevels thinner.
Right now, they are very square-like and large. How do I make them thinner and flat?

Edit: I tried out beveling the edges and it looks nice. What do you think?

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Looks good!

Two suggestions:

  1. Improve the color contrast between the log itself and the beveled parts, they look a bit too obvious

  2. Add some random deformation to the log, just so that there are fewer perfect circles/rectangles

    You can use the proportional movement tool set to ‘random’ to do it, just select any point, start moving it, and then use the scroll wheel to control the effect. Should add some nice random detail
    (Top of screen, press O to activate)

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