Low Poly Terrain Helper plugin

Hello, I’m Escape_Everything.

I have created a Low Poly Terrain Helper Plugin.

This was a challenge by @IamRoBuilder.

This is a quick and easy way of making custom low poly terrain.

The plugin:

How To Use:

  1. Open the plugin.

  2. Select a size and click create.

  3. Next move the blocks to the position you desire.

  1. Then click Update to see how it would look.

  1. When you get the look you want. Click Finish.

I hope you guys enjoy.

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If you have any ideas on how to make the plugin better. Please share them!


very high quality code right here ladies and gentlemans!

all jokes aside, cool plugin ! But please clean up the code.


Very nice plugin for creating low poly terrain!

I’m sorry about that. I was having trouble so I decided to brute force it. I’m planing to add different ways of rendering, like radius rendering. (Using Roblox’s GetPartsInRadius())